Grant help via the Office of Sponsored Programs
Newly restructured and expanded, Chaminade’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will advance the university’s commitment through excellence in research administration, according to Claire Wright, Ph.D., who recently assumed the role of Senior Director with the Office of Sponsored Programs. It will also ensure that all grants are in compliance with federal, state and local regulations.

The Office’s primary and most visible mission is to serve the University community in the successful pursuit of external funds to support research and campus programs. Wright will collaborate with faculty through every step of the pre-award process to submit highly competitive proposals.
“The office helps faculty members finance the research and projects that they want to do,” said Wright, who completed all of her undergraduate and graduate training in the U.K., and joined the Chaminade faculty in 2011. “This a change for me from teaching, but I want to help faculty members realize their dreams.”
Although she’ll continue with her teaching duties with the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Chrystie Naeole, Ph.D., now has the added responsibility of being the Director of Office of Sponsored Projects.
“As a federal grants specialist, I’ve undergone extensive federal training to be able to assist grantees with the development, interpretation of federal language, and submission of these grant applications,” Naeole said. “I will also help with the execution of grant subcontracts, sub-awards and the management of grant-maintained studentships.”
Lynn Haff, Director of Proposal Development and Andrew Perez, Grants Financial Specialist; and Helen Turner, Ph.D., Senior Advisor on Sponsored Projects make up the remaining OSP team. A private funding specialist, Haff helps to identify and match grant seekers with potential funding sources of all kinds. She also helps to craft ideas for proposals, editing and drafting of proposal narratives, and the gathering of additional materials for submission, including bio sketches and letters of support. If the proposal submission is from a private source, Haff will also help with the submission process and the reporting requirements during the award period.

Perez is a staff member of the Business Office with an abundance of experience in grants financial management for both private and federal grants. He helps grantees generate grant budgets for application submission, and assists with the management of all financial reporting and compliance issues.
“I was hired by Chaminade to fill this specific role more than nine years ago,” Perez says. “There are lot of moving parts to a grant, and our role is to make sure that nothing is overlooked and that all the details are complete.”
Recruited by Chaminade because of her past successes in winning grants with the National Institutes of Health (NICHD) and local foundations, and her progressive translational research, Wright takes on this new role as the university develops its 2024-2029 Strategic Plan.
“Grants can help determine what the vision is for the school,” Wright said. “I’m here to help them write their grants, whatever that grant may be. And it’s not just for academic research; it could be for a study abroad program, student scholarships, community outreach or service learning. I’ll help them work through the process and their announcements, as well as with their reporting of outcomes.”
Driven by an idea, a product, a concept or a cause, faculty members conducting research or off-campus activity are often dedicated to their project, but they might lack the experience or access to funding sources needed to effectively carry out that project. In most cases, faculty research projects require outside funding that often comes from federal and state agencies, foundation grants or fellowship programs.
“And that’s where many universities’ Offices of Sponsored Programs play a critical role,” Wright said. “The office is the support system for faculty members who are trying to get a grant for their work in their respective disciplines.”