As the only Catholic University in Hawaii, and one of three Marianist higher-education institutions in the US, Chaminade University is guided by the understanding that both reason and faith are essential conditions in the pursuit of truth. Our community is a family where students mature into world citizens who respect the complexity and diversity of others, value community service, and strive to create a more just society. Our faculty emphasizes critical thinking and creative problem solving while mentoring students in more than 25 undergraduate and graduate programs in the fine arts and humanities, sciences and mathematics, behavioral sciences, business and communication, education, and nursing. Located in the international city of Honolulu on the island of Oahu, Chaminade is regarded for its remarkably diverse student body–students come from Hawaii, the mainland U.S., the Pacific region, and beyond. Class sizes are small, with a low student-to-faculty ratio. Here, students develop professionally through service learning projects, research and internship experiences, and leadership and community networking opportunities. At Chaminade, students receive a personalized education that prepares them for an ever-changing future.

At Chaminade University, we develop the whole student (mind, body and spirit). We encourage students to think deeper, to re-imagine, to question and to push the limits. We offer an experiential learning experience and a generous financial aid program, with nearly $15 million awarded to more than 97% of our undergraduate students. There are five degree-granting Schools offering innovative academic programs that include undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Education isn’t just about acquiring knowledge, but about fostering—and nurturing—character. We provide a host of outlets for spiritual guidance, expression and growth. Wherever students are in their spiritual journey, we stress service to others in an education rooted in Marianist traditions. Our goals in the classroom are attuned to the real world, geared to promote justice and peace, and the dignity and rights of everyone.

We’re not happy with the status quo, the “way things are,” or just making do. We seek to create an inclusive and thought-provoking academic community where ideas are nurtured and learning is about pursuing your passion.

Chaminade University benefits from association with agencies and organizations that provide standards for defining our mission as well as measuring our success. It helps improve the learning and teaching environment.

Chaminade University is governed by the Board of Regents and Board of Governors and directed by academic and administrative leaders who include the President, Provost, Deans and Vice Presidents. It’s the commitment of our leaders that ensure the fulfillment of our mission, uphold our core values and manage our operations and academic affairs.

Chaminade University of Honolulu was founded in 1955 under the guidance of five Marianists eager to establish a Catholic institution of higher education in Hawaii.

The Facilities Department strives to maintain our top-notch facilities for students, faculty, staff and visitors to support the pursuit of excellence in institutional academics and community objectives.