State of Hawai‘i law mandates that certain health requirements be met before students can enter into post-secondary institutions (Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Department of Health, Chapter 157). All students, including faculty/staff enrolled as students, must comply with health clearance requirements. The information provided below is designed to assist students with fulfilling these requirements prior to starting classes at Chaminade University.
Chaminade University requires student health information for use in emergency or epidemic situations. While the university does not provide on-campus health services, there are nearby medical practitioners and clinics that provide basic services, immunizations, and lab testing for a fee.
Post-Secondary School Student Immunization Requirements
*Due prior to the first day of instruction. Students who do not comply with requirements may have a hold placed on their student account that results in an inability to register for courses, reside in Chaminade residence halls, and/or participate in intercollegiate athletics.
Tuberculosis (TB) Clearance
- A completed TB Risk Assessment Form (such as the State of Hawaiʻi Department TB Risk Assessment Form). This form must be completed within 12 months of starting classes at Chaminade University or must have been completed on or after the age of 16.
If the Risk Assessment Form Presents risks, one of the following is required:
- A negative Tuberculin skin test (PPD-Mantoux). The skin test must be read 48-72 hours after administration and documented in millimeters (mm). Test results without the induration in millimeters will be rejected.
- A negative QuantiFERON Gold In-Tube or T-Spot Blood Test.
- A negative chest x-ray (taken within the last 12 months) with laboratory report/results attached.
All TB risk assessments/skin tests/chest x-rays MUST be completed and signed by a U.S.-Licensed Healthcare
Professional (MD, DO, APRN, PA, or clinic stamp).
Free testing is available at the State of Hawai‘i Tuberculosis Control Program clinics.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- Two (2)doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) are required. 1st dose must have been given on or after 12-months of age. 2nd dose must have been given at least four weeks after the first dose.
Students born prior to 1957 are exempt from the measles, mumps, and rubella requirement.
Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertusis (Tdap)
- One (1) dose required.
- Students ages 7-18 years not fully immunized with DTaP vaccine should receive a single dose of Tdap as one dose of the catch-up series. If additional doses are needed, Td vaccine should be used.
- Persons aged 7 years and older who have never been vaccinated against pertussis, tetanus, or diptheria should receive a series of 3 vaccinations: Tdap, followed by a dose of Td at least 4 weeks after Tdap, and another dose of Td at least 6 months after the previous Td. A single dose of Tdap can substitute for any of the Td doses in the 3-dose series.
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
- Two (2) doses are required.
- A signed, documented diagnosis or verification of a history of varicella disease or herpes zoster by a practitioner may be substituted for a record of a varicella vaccination.
Students born in the United States prior to 1980: varicella vaccination not required.
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV)
Applies only to students living in campus residence halls who are 21-years of age and younger.
- One (1) dose on or after age 16-years.
- CUH Student Health Form (may be downloaded through the University Portal)
- For students living in campus residence halls, student-athletes, and/or international students, you are required to provide proof of health insurance by providing a copy of the front and back of your current health insurance card.
Please note that these requirements apply to all Chaminade University students (including faculty and staff who are students) and are separate from the additional records that may be required for student-athletes and students
in Nursing or other programs with special requirements. These programs may have additional vaccination
requirements due to third party requirements for practicum, clinical, or internship placements, and students
should consult with their programs for specific requirements.
For student coming from a country outside of the U.S.: All proof of immunizations must be in English and
completed and signed by a U.S. Licensed healthcare provider (MD, DO, APRN, or PA). The U.S. licensed healthcare
practitioner must document the state where s/he is licensed and include her/his license number.
- Valid exemptions for MMR, Varicella, MCV and TDAP immunizations include medical and/or religious reasons. NO OTHER EXEMPTIONS ARE ALLOWED BY THE STATE.
- Persons claiming a religious exemption to immunization requirements must sign the following form Request for Vaccination Exemption Religious Grounds (PDF)*. A copy of this form may be found on the Chaminade SharePoint Portal (under Student Forms). The completed form should be submitted to [email protected].
- Persons claiming a medical exemption to immunization requirements must have their physician sign the Medical Exemption Form (PDF)*. A copy of this form may be found on the Chaminade SharePoint Portal.
- There is NO medical and/or religious exemption for TB.
- All post-secondary students enrolled in fully online programs are excluded from the immunization requirements. If you wish to participate in on-campus employment and/or activities, you must fulfill all of the above requirements to be cleared to do so.
Chaminade University of Honolulu has partnered with Med+Proctor, a free service that will handle all of the Immunization Verification processes for the University. Starting July 1, 2024, all incoming students will need to submit Health Clearances through Med+Proctor.
To submit your records for clearance, use the following instructions to create your Med+Proctor account:
- Register
- Ensure you have been admitted and have a CHAMINADE.EDU email address before completing this process.
- Then go to Med+Proctor to register for an account.
- Gather & Upload documents
- You will have the option to:
- Directly upload your personal immunization records (e.g. childhood vaccination records, MyChart records, proof of immunization from a pharmacy, etc.), including at least the first section of the Chaminade Student Health/Immunization Clearance Form (the form is available on the University SharePoint Portal under Student Forms, Student Affairs). Note that documents can be uploaded from your phone/tablet, or computer), OR
- Download and print the Chaminade Student Health/Immunization Clearance Form (the form is available on the University SharePoint Portal under Student Forms, Student Affairs). Have a licensed medical provider complete and sign the form, and then upload the form to Med+Proctor. A licensed provider can sign the form; it does not have to be the provider who originally vaccinated you.
- Your documents will be reviewed by the Med+Proctor staff within 24-72 hours of your submission. You will receive an email from Med+Proctor letting you know if the immunization requirements have been met. Non-compliant submissions will require additional time to process.
- For questions/support related to the submission/verification process, please contact Med+Proctor at [email protected] OR use the chat icon at the bottom right corner of your screen (once logged to Med+Proctor). Chats run from 8am-2am Central Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, 8am-7pm Central Standard Time on Fridays, and 5pm-2am Central Standard Time on Sundays. Typical email response time is one (1) business day.
- Please note that it may take Med+Proctor between 1-3 business days to verify your records. If your verification is taking longer than expected, please contact Med+Proctor via their LiveChat services or at [email protected].
Med+Proctor is HIPAA and FERPA compliant. Review their privacy policy. For assistance with Med+Proctor, please visit to live chat or email at [email protected] and they will speak directly with you. Due to federal FERPA and HIPAA regulations Med+Proctor does not offer telephone customer support to discuss student medical records or class hold status.
**Note: Students may opt in to a Med+Proctor membership for a one-time fee of $10. Membership provides lifetime access to your TB and immunization data. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR MED+PROCTOR SERVICES. If you do not wish to take advantage of the membership, when asked to submit your records, choose the grey button at the bottom, which says “No, thank you. I do not want access to my documents.”
Health Insurance
While attending Chaminade University, it is important for students to protect their health and financial stability by having adequate health coverage to address minor and major illnesses that may arise.
Health insurance is required for intercollegiate athletes, students with international status, and those residing in campus residence halls.
Provided that the student’s status matches any of the above criteria, it is the student’s responsibility to maintain current valid health insurance throughout their tenure at the University. Please provide staff in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students any updates or changes to your coverage.
Discounted student health insurance plans are available through the Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) under the Chaminade University/University of Hawaii Student Health Insurance Plans*. Non-student general plans are also available to students through Kaiser Permanente or students may conduct an individual search for comparable coverage through various other insurance plans. Be sure to consider the best options to meet your health needs.
*Please note that the student HMSA plans do not cover injuries received as a result of practice for or participation in intercollegiate athletics. It is recommended that student-athletes seek an alternative health insurance plan.
Medical Services Transportation
Taxi service for medical transportation will be provided free of charge for students living in University residence halls and apartments from all of the Chaminade-operated residential facilities. Only Chaminade’s official taxi service vendor, The Cab, may be used for medical transport. Transportation to and from the following health services clinics is available:
- Kaiser Permanente (Honolulu Medical Office; Hawaii Kai Clinic)
- Hawai’i Pacific Health (Straub Medical Center; Kahala Clinic & Urgent Care; Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children)
- The Queen’s Health System (The Queen’s Medical Center; The Queen’s Health Care Centers – Kahala; The Queen’s Island Urgent Care – Kapahulu; The Queen’s Island Urgent Care – Kaka’ako)
Note: Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center is not an eligible location for medical transport using Cabbux.
Please inquire with staff in Housing & Residence Life or Security for more information.
Request for Access to Immunization Records
Current or former students wishing to access copies of their immunization records may do so in one of two ways:
- Visit the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in Henry Hall 221. You will need to bring a photo ID to verify identity.
- If you are not able to physically visit the office, you may request copies of the information we have on file by completing and submitting this form.
If you test positive for COVID-19:
- Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren’t better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
- You may return to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
- When you return to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as practicing good hygiene, wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
- Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.
- If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse after you have gone back to normal activities, stay home and away from others again until, for at least 24 hours, both are true: your symptoms are improving overall, and you have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Then take added precaution for the next 5 days.
- Learn more about the preventing the spread of respiratory viruses.
- Contact your faculty and supervisors if you will miss class or work due to illness. Students should reach out to their Academic Advisor ([email protected]) if assistance is needed with their courses and/or contacting faculty.
- If you have concerns, reach out to your primary care physician for additional guidance.
COVID Exposure
If you have been exposed and test negative for COVID, and you are not experiencing any respiratory virus symptoms, there is no need to stay home. It is recommended that you take precautions, such as practicing good hygiene, wearing a mask, and practicing physical distancing.
Here are the steps that you can take to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, regardless of your vaccination status or if you have had a previous infection.
- Practice good hygiene by covering your coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing your hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw used tissues in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.
- Learn and use proper handwashing technique.
- Teach children the correct way to wash their hands.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces, such as countertops, handrails, and doorknobs regularly.
If you have been exposed and test positive for COVID-19, follow the guidance offered at the top of this page.
Free Covid-19 tests are available through the U.S. Department of Health at Human Services. Click on this link to request your 4 free at-home tests while supplies last.