Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Lance Askildson, Ph.D.
Dr. Lance Askildson is provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Chaminade.
As the chief academic officer at Chaminade, Dr. Askildson leads the university’s deans and faculty, oversees the academic enterprise with a focus on excellence and innovation, and serves as the principal deputy to the President. He is also a professor of Language and Linguistics.
Prior to joining Chaminade, Dr. Askildson held appointments as assistant provost at the University of Notre Dame and founding director of the university’s Center for the Study of Languages & Culture. Earlier, he served as vice provost and chief international officer at Kennesaw State University.
He completed his doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Arizona and his master’s degree in Multilingual and Multicultural Education at Florida State University. Dr. Askildson also conducted post-graduate work and research in France, Germany, Switzerland and Morocco.
Dr. Askildson is proud to call himself a scholar of language, culture and identity. He is the author of dozens of peer-reviewed articles, books and edited volumes, and previously served as managing editor of the IALLT Journal for Language Learning Technology. He also serves as a United Nations fellow with the UN Institute for Training and Research and is the founder and chairman of the UN Center in Honolulu (CIFAL Centre Honolulu), which is headquartered at Chaminade University.
Dr. Askildson is also on the executive board of the Hawaii Defense Alliance and a member of the Steering Committee for the Hawaii Idea Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence Organization.
Previously, he was chairman of the UN Institute for Training and Research Center in Atlanta, International Association for Language Learning Technology executive secretary, a trustee and board member of the Center for the Advanced Study of International Education, and a founding advisory board member for the National Foreign Language Resource Center on Language Assessment & Evaluation.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Title III ANNH Grants
Undergraduate Research and Pre-Professional Programs, Articles:
Center for Teaching and Learning
Emerging Scholars, Early College Programs , Articles:
- 5th Graders I Go To College (February 2023)
- Kapaa High School Students Earn College Credit Through Partnership (October 2023)
- GEARUP Summer Institutes 2022
- GEARUP Summer Institutes 2021
Commencement, Articles:
Second Chance Pell Program, Articles:
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Associate Provost for Student Success

Jennifer Creech