Title III Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian (ANNH) Serving Institution Grants
Chaminade University was awarded its first U.S. Department of Education Title III Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian (ANNH) Serving Institution grant (P031W150002) in 2004. Since that initial grant, and over subsequent years, grants from Title III Part A and F programs have served to transform and strengthen Chaminade University of Honolulu and enhanced the manner in which we serve our students. Grants have included focus on improving information systems on campus, renovation of spaces, including classrooms and laboratories, student success initiatives, student technology and security, and faculty development. We are proud to be able to utilize funding to continually strengthen our ability to serve all students, which includes a high percentage of Native Hawaiian students who directly benefit from grant funded enhancements to Chaminade. Our current awards demonstrate our commitment to continual improvement.
Current Title III Programs
Strengthening Academic Quality and Student Success through Institutional Effectiveness, Enhanced Online Program Delivery, Research Support, and an Ecology of Student Learning Spaces (P031V210022 / 2021-2026).
Key Personnel
- Dr. Janet T. Davidson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Jim Heller Sutton, Director, Center for Teaching & Learning
- Makana Craig, Director of Chaminade University Online
- Dr. Mark Riddle, Senior Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Dr. Claire Wright, Senior Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
- Andrew Perez, Grants Specialist and Title III Monitor
Strengthening Financial Literacy, Experiential Learning, and Career Skills (P031V190005 / 2019-2023)
This Title III grant supports and broadens experiential learning for Chaminade students through two main mechanisms. First, students are provided financial literacy core competency training, including a financial literacy guide for students, by students. Second, the grant supports increased internship placements for students. Internships are related to the students’ academic programs. Chaminade expects these activities will enhance students’ career skills, workforce readiness and financial fitness.
- Dr. Lance Askildson, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
- Dr. Janet T. Davidson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Dani Masuda, Assistant Vice President for Student Success, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Diane Yang, Career Development Specialist, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Andrew Perez, Grants Specialist and Title III Monitor
Strengthening Island Health Professions (P031W190009 / 2020-2025)
This Title III grant centers on one overarching goal, namely to respond to the needs of students and the community and to do so through the creation of a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The creation of the DNP enables Chaminade to continue its trajectory of meeting student and community needs as well as build upon our foundation of successful health professions education programming. The Chaminade DNP program educates students to be caring nursing professionals who promote health and high standards of practice and who will be committed to decreasing health-related disparities. The program is specifically designed in Hawaii, for Hawaii.
- Dr. Lance Askildson, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
- Dr. Janet T. Davidson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Dr. Rhoberta Haley, Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions
- Dr. Pamela Smith, Associate Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions and Director of the DNP Program
- Andrew Perez, Grants Specialist and Title III Monitor
Strengthening Community College Partnerships, Peer Mentorship, and Experiential Learning (P031W190009 / 2019-2024)
This grant is a cooperative grant between Chaminade University of Honolulu and Kapiolani Community College. The overarching outcomes of interest include improved retention and graduation rates at both Kapiolani and Chaminade via clear and articulable pathways from a two-year to a four-year degree, a scholars program (Ka Hiki Mai Scholars Program), shared faculty development initiatives, and enhancement to learning spaces at both institutions.
- Dr. Lance Askildson, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Dr. Louise Pagotto, Chancellor, Kapi’olani Community College
- Dr. Janet T. Davidson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Dr. Nawa’a Napoleo, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Kapi’olani Community College
- Jim Heller Sutton, Director, Center for Teaching & Learning
- Dr. Amber Naguchi, Director, Undergraduate Research and PreProfessional Programs, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Li-Anne Delavega, ‘IKE/PEEC II Recruitment & Retention Specialist, Kapi’olani Community College
- Brandon Higa, Campus Advisor, Critical Language Scholarship Program, Kapi’olani Community College
- Dani Masuda, Assistant Vice President for Student Success, Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Andrew Perez, Grants Specialist and Title III Monitor