Education isn’t just about acquiring knowledge, but about fostering—and nurturing—character and building ethical leadership skills for a quickly changing planet. At Chaminade University, we’re here to develop the whole student (mind, body and spirit), stressing social justice and service to others in an education rooted in rich Marianist traditions.

Explore Our Majors, Degrees and Programs
We encourage our students to think deeper, to question and push the limits in their academic pursuits. We seek to create an inclusive and thought-provoking community where ideas are nurtured and learning is about pursuing your passions.
Academic Schools
School of Business & Communication
We believe innovation is possible in every sector, excellence is a state of mind, and that entrepreneurs aren’t born—they’re made. That’s why we’re proud to be home to world-class programs that not only tackle societal issues but help find solutions.
School of Education & Behavioral Sciences
We provide an outlet for the goal of making the world a better place, with rigorous offerings that not only include a robust academic core but see service-learning and hands-on experiences as central to ensuring you are prepared to meet big challenges in your communities head-on.
School of Humanities, Arts & Design
We have a diversity of disciplines—from English to Interior Design, from Political Studies to Religious Studies and Pastoral Theology. But what our students share is an appreciation for better understanding of the human experience.
School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
We are problem solvers, but our journey doesn’t end with an “answer.” Across all of our offerings, our students are given rigorous, real-world learning opportunities that not only stress scientific inquiry but drive home the value of civic engagement and social justice.
School of Nursing & Health Professions
Healthcare is more than just a profession. It’s a calling. A passion. A life. Our rigorous curriculum prepares you for the unique challenges you’ll face in the healthcare sector, with hands-on preparation, state-of-art tools and a mentorship component.

Having the ability to rub elbows with people from all over the world is something unique Chaminade offers.
Matthew Southard ’18, International Studies
Academic Resources
We demand a lot from our students, but we don’t expect them to go it alone. Our faculty and staff are all dedicated to ensuring every Chaminade student gets individualized attention, from academic advising to tutoring to access to robust career development programs.