Title IX is a federal civil rights law which was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities which receive federal financial assistance. Consistent with Title IX, Chaminade University of Honolulu is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive climate for study and work and an atmosphere free from discrimination, harassment, and violence. As such, the Title IX Office is also committed to responding promptly and effectively to reports of sex based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. Title IX and its implementing federal regulations prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender in the University’s programs and activities. Higher Education issues addressed by Title IX include:
- Recruitment, admission and counseling
- Financial assistance
- Athletics
- Sex-based harassment
- Education of pregnant and parenting students
- Employment
- Single-sex education
Chaminade University of Honolulu is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes respect and the dignity of all people and is free from all forms of sex based discrimination, sexual misconduct, and harassment in any form including, but not limited to, gender based violence such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, stalking, and domestic and dating violence. These behaviors are harmful to the well-being of our community members, the learning/working environment, and collegial relationships among our students, faculty, and staff. All forms of prohibited conduct under this policy are regarded as serious University offenses, and violations will result in discipline, including the possibility of separation from Chaminade University. State and federal laws also address conduct that may meet Chaminade University’s definitions of prohibited conduct, and criminal prosecution may take place independently of any disciplinary action instituted by Chaminade University.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Chaminade University’s compliance with Title IX is implemented in the context of the University’s broader Nondiscrimination/Anti-harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures, which advises the University community of prohibited discriminatory and harassing conduct by Community Members, as well as the resources and processes for addressing and resolving complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or violation of University policy.
Chaminade University does not discriminate because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability (mental or physical), genetic information, pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, ancestry, marital or parenting status, arrest or court record status, National Guard participation, victim of domestic or sexual violence status, breastfeeding, or any other protected status. Full details of the University’s anti-discrimination policy can be viewed in Volume III, Section 3.1 of the Policy Manual.
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Related Conditions and Parental Status
Chaminade University of Honolulu is committed to compliance with Title IX and Hawaii State Laws and to supporting the academic success of pregnant and parenting students. Pregnant or parenting students who wish to request reasonable related modifications from the University, may contact the Title IX office below as soon as possible prior to your need for the modifications. Medical documentation is only necessary when there are recommendations from a medical provider to help with a modification. This documentation can be shown to the Title IX Coordinator during your meeting.
Connection to support services may include information on: medical and behavioral health coverage; public benefits programs; parenting and childcare resources; employment assistance; and academic success strategies. Examples of modifications may include: excused absences; the ability to complete make-up work; extended time; provision of class materials; and the option to take a leave of absence.
To learn more about pregnancy and parenting supportive resources, or for any questions, please see the key points of contact below:
- Chaminade University Title IX Coordinator: (808) 440-8475
- Assistant Director of Student Success/ADA Coordinator: (808) 739-7459
Chaminade University’s Title IX office will reach out to the appropriate faculty for parenting students who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children as long as they provide proper documentation from a medical provider. Students needing such accommodation should contact the Title IX Office as soon as possible after the missed class.
Lactation/Nursing Mother’s Room located on the first floor of Eiben Hall next to the restrooms and vending machines.
For further information on the 2024 Title IX regulations regarding Nondiscrimination Based on Pregnancy or Related Conditions, and Parenting, Family of Marital Status, please see the Regulations GUIDE from the Department of Education Office of Civil rights (OCR) HERE.
For any questions, please contact the Title IX Office at [email protected] or at 808-440-4275.
Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. The University’s Title IX Coordinator is:
Title IX Coordinator
Stephanie La Monaca, M.Ed., J.D.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Director of Student Conduct and Title IX
Office of Student Affairs
Henry Hall 221E
p: 808-440-4275
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Telephone: 800-421-3481
FAX: 202-453-6012; TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: [email protected]
To report an incident or concern on campus, please use this link: