Policy Manual
The Policy Manual has been prepared to provide Chaminade University with a written record of approved and current operational and administrative policies and procedures. The Policy Manual functions primarily to guide and assist members of the University community in performing their assigned tasks and to provide a uniform set of policies for reference. Thus, the policies in the Policy Manual have wide application; they affect academic and administrative areas, various classes of employees, and the activities of the University as they relate to students, alums, the community, and the general public.
Policy Manual Volume I – Governance and Administration
Topics include, but are not limited to history, mission statement, charter of the university, administrative structure, organization charts, internal governance, internal committees, policy and procedures manual.
Policy Manual Volume II – Campus Community Policies
Topics include, but are not limited to: general campus information, health policies, safety policies, protection of human rights and animal subjects of research investigations, emergency notification policy.
Policy Manual Volume III – University-Wide Employment Policies
Topics include, but are not limited to: employment policies, non-discrimination policy, Title IX employment policies, personnel records, pay periods, employee benefits, and individual responsibilities.
Policy Manual Volume IV – Faculty Personnel Policies (Faculty Handbook)
Topics include, but are not limited to: definition of faculty, rank, and titles; contract information; personnel records; evaluation process; promotion policies and procedures; tenure policy; faculty obligations, rights, academic freedom and code of ethics; development and privileges; workload; grievance policy; and academic issues concerning students.
Policy Manual Volume V – Personnel Policies for Administrators and Staff
Topics include, but are not limited to: definition of employment policies, employee classification system, separation of employment, employee responsibility, working conditions, grievance procedures, whistleblower policy, and paid leave.
Other Resources
The following resources are available for download on the Chaminade Portal. If you need assistance accessing the portal, please visit the Client Services website for login instructions.
Emergency Manual (PDF)
This plan provides guidance to University Administration, Faculty and Staff Members in their preparation for planning, testing, updating and implementing the emergency procedures for Chaminade University of Honolulu campus/community emergencies. These procedures are to aid in the protection of lives and property and do not cover every conceivable situation that may occur.
Social Media Policy (PDF)
The Social Media Policy provides individuals, academic and administrative departments, offices and groups on campus with information and guidelines related to the use of social media platforms. Account creation, posting of content, and moderation guidelines are outlined in this policy. Adherence to these guidelines is intended to avoid copyright claims and other liabilities that might arise from the posting of inappropriate or unauthorized content.
Student Handbook
Academic policies & procedures, student code of conduct, other university policies, and a directory of campus information, programs and resources.