Senior Lecturer
School of Humanities, Arts and Design
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 735-4867
- RE 103: World Religions
- RE 205: The Christian God and Human Experience
- RE 211: The Bible as Controversy
- RE 301: Jesus, God and Man
- RE 306: Early Christianity: Prophets, Martyrs, Virgins and Teachers
- RE 326: Christian Prayer
- RE 346: Influential Women in Christianity
- RE 357: Christians and Buddhists in Dialogue
- RE 390/490: Transformational Leadership
- RE/ENV 431: Environmental Ethics
- RE 460: Buddhism
- RE 461: Zen: Self, Being and Time
- RE 499: Directed Study
- HU 494: Senior Thesis Research
- HU 498: Senior Thesis Writing
Academic Degrees
- D.Min. – University of Creation Spirituality, Oakland
- M.A. Applied Spirituality – University of San Francisco
- B.S. Religious Studies and Education – Chaminade University of Honolulu
Awards and Honors
- Dr. Joseph Allen Collegiality Award, 2022
- Distinguished Faculty Recognition Award, 2021
- Marianist Heritage Awards: Chaminade Award, 2019
Selected Publications
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica. Bourbon Whiskey Sauce: The Andrew Y.Y. Wong Legacy. Wong Way Bugle, December 2017
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica. A Pilgrimage Through Time: Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Honolulu. Hawaii: Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii Hochi, Ltd., February 2016
- Ah Chick, osf, Sister Davilyn and Sr. Malia Dominica Wong, op. (2013). A Walk With Saint Marianne Cope of Moloka’i. New York: Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, 2013. Reprint 2022
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica. (2014-present). Viriditas: Soul Greening/2. Hawaii Catholic Herald
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica (2021) A Making of A Desert To Bloom: Hawaii’s First Marianists. Youtube, September 4, 2021. https://youtu.be/euRoD3lzsDE
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica (2019). A Bodhi Heart Shining Ancient and New: Honolulu’s Yuk Fut Temple. Youtube.July 30, 2019. https://youtu.be/e4OG7sBnVJQ
- Wong, O.P., Sr. Malia Dominica (2019). Growing God’s Garden, Carmel of Hawaii. Vimeo, January 20, 2019. https://vimeo.com/312348537
Service to the Profession
In her service to Chaminade University and as a Marianist Educational Associate, she has also led initiatives in cultivating the Marianist “Sense of Spirit; Sense of Place”; awareness of campus plants and their traditional uses; and promoted “Campus Made; Campus Inspire”- a developing sustainability project through the opening of the “Campus Open Marketplace” and “Bookstore Pop-Ups.”