Chaminade Director of Alumni Relations Jeannie Lum ’05, MBA ’07 believes building strong alumni relationships begins long before students walk across that stage to accept their diplomas. It starts, she says, on their first day at Chaminade—and throughout their time at the University.
“The whole journey of becoming an alumni begins when you’re a student,” said Lum.
That approach to alumni relations means that one of Lum’s top priorities since taking on her directorship role at Chaminade in April has been reconnecting with graduates, rekindling their fond memories of the University, and asking them what they want their alumni network to look like.
It was that work that led to the creation of a new alumni council.
The council is a group of engaged—and proud—Silversword alumni from different graduating classes. Members bring a diversity of perspectives and a variety of ideas about what it means to celebrate Chaminade. Lum described the group as part focus group and part planning committee.
“They represent various years and right now, we’re brainstorming ideas and looking to get the momentum going,” Lum said. “These alums have a huge affinity for Chaminade and its mission—and they want to show their support. I am so looking forward to how they will inform our direction.”
The council is now eight members strong, and Lum said she’s interested in expanding it.
She also sees the council members as ambassadors for their classes, helping her office get out communications about upcoming events, reunions or other opportunities. “They’re also spreading the word for us, reposting our appeals on social media. It all comes full circle,” Lum said.
“These people have the same heartbeat for Chaminade.”
As a graduate of Chaminade, Lum also brings her own passion for the university to her work. She attended the University after going to Catholic schools and wanted to select an institution that would offer small class sizes, a warm and supportive atmosphere and an emphasis on serving others.
She said she learned about Chaminade at a college fair at her school.
“I thought, ‘This is definitely the school for me,’” she said. “The focus was on the whole person.”
While a student at Chaminade, Lum actually had an internship at the Advancement office and got an early taste for alumni relations and giving. And after graduation, she remained connected to Chaminade.
“Chaminade has never left my heart,” she said, adding that as she started her family she didn’t have quite as much time for volunteering. Lum said her own experience as a busy mom and a devoted grad has underscored how individualized approaches are needed for alums at different stages in their lives.
Her message to Chaminade alumni is simple: we want to reconnect with you.
She’s inviting graduates to support the University in whatever ways they’re interested in, and she’s hoping the council will also provide additional inroads for alumni to get reengaged. After all, Lum said, “There’s just something magical about this place. Everybody who comes here has a connection.”
Meet the Alumni Council

Roselee Aguigui ’18
B.A. Business Administration
Roselee was technically born on an airplane en route to Honolulu but was raised in Guam. She currently resides on O’ahu and is a government recruiter. Her favorite Chaminade memory is the 2017 Pacific Island Review where she was able to showcase Guam through dance—saying it was the best experience ever. Her advice to fellow alumni is to not be afraid to reach out, ask questions and use everything you possibly can as a resource.

Ohulani Aiona Battisto, MBA ’08
Master of Business Administration
Ohulani is a full-time mommy and was born and raised in Kapolei. Her favorite memory of Chaminade is being part of a family and working with people who have the same drive and goals—giving her confidence as well as a sense of team. She says that Chaminade is an amazing school that is a family and pushes you to grow, adding that you will also make lifetime connections.

Suzy Cerda ’92
B.S. International Relations
Suzy was born in Honolulu, moved to New Jersey and return to Hawai‘i to attend Chaminade. For the past 22 years, she has been an insurance agent. Suzy says all of her fondest memories at Chaminade pertain to life in the residence halls and being on campus—shenanigans and hilarity that occurred on a daily basis will never be forgotten. She says that most of her lifelong friendships were forged at Chaminade. Suzy looks forward to being active in the Chaminade community again.

Antonia Coffelt ’05
B.A. Communication
Antonia’s favorite memory of Chaminade is the long days and late nights in Eiben Hall editing The Silversword (student newspaper). She credits Chaminade with not only a place where she earned her degree but a place where she made lifelong friends and realized that being a genuinely rapt guest in the Islands was the key to her immersion. Fun fact, Antonia may live in Chicago, but she still has an 808 phone number.

Luana Moreno ’17
B.A. Religious Studies
Originally from California, Luana’s favorite memory of Chaminade is graduation. She believes that Chaminade provided her the opportunity to learn more about the world’s differences and similarities in beliefs, and the way that our minds are impacted by our environments. And in turn, provides acceptance of all people and a willingness to learn and give back. Luana currently serves as an advocate for the Hawaii Domestic Violence Action Center.

Jana Paz ’98, MBA ’18
B.A. Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Hogan Entrepreneurs Certificate
Jana currently serves as the assistant vice president of M.Dyer Global. Originally from O’ahu, she has lived and worked in the mainland and Hawai‘i. She currently sits on the board for the Western Motor Tariff Bureau, Kalaheo High School Foundation and Alumni Association, and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hawaii Chapter, a Vistage Member, as well as being actively involved in her high school community and graduating class. Jana is a strong believer in teamwork, collaboration, communication and transparency.

Andre “Pono” Riddle ’18
B.S. Psychology
Pono currently serves as a Chaminade academic advisor. He enjoys listening to music, spending time with friends and family, working out at the gym, reading, catching up on tv shows and sleeping. He joined the Alumni Council because he hopes to be a voice for young alumni—helping them to stay involved and connected, wherever they may live.

Kuldip Shergill ’10, MBA ’12
B.S. Accounting
Master of Business Administration
Born and raised in American Samoa, Kuldip currently resides in Hawai‘i and has his own production company and YouTube channel—you’ll know him as Kooldip. He says he can’t pinpoint his favorite Chaminade memory because he had so many “crazy moments” and would like to keep some of them a secret. He says, “happiness! You’ll never catch it by pursuing it! So if there’s anything I want my fellow alums and Chaminade community to know is, live happy in the present!”