It was a pleasure to hear from Mr. Stephen Metter, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of MW Group, Ltd. Real Estate Development, founded on a handshake in 1990 with Mr. Michael B. Wood.

Mr. Metter opened with stories of humble beginnings and how his entrepreneurial journey began out of necessity after having to move out of his home at the age of 17. He then moved on to speak about MW Group, Ltd., its mission statement, financial statement, The Profit Box, and the branches under its umbrella—Pioneer Plaza, Aiea Town Square, and Nimitz Square in Oahu; Kihei Plaza, Azeka Shopping Centers, and Kihei Kalama Village in Maui; Hawaii Self Storage and The Plaza Assisted Living.
He ended his talk by sharing a list of things we should value. This list, which his team put together, included authenticity, integrity, being purposeful, community spirit, and love. In addition, he also shared 12 principles and beliefs that govern their company. Their principles and beliefs included being relationship-centric, valuing strengths and understanding weaknesses, building a great team, and supporting the team in pursuit of a great culture.
What really resonated with me was the importance Mr. Metter placed on making a difference and building a better community, rather than just profits. He devotes his time and resources by serving on a variety of charitable boards. Mr. Metter and the Hogan Program share this same belief—giving back to the community.
The importance of trust and teamwork Mr. Metter have on his company also resonated with me. He formed MW Group, Ltd. on a handshake deal, and he and his team are committed to serving their tenants and community through developing successful leaders and loyal relationships.
Lastly, as a leader in the Hawaii business community for more than 25 years, Mr. Metter reminded us that failure is our friend and resilience is the most important characteristic an entrepreneur can have.
Written by: Hogan Entrepreneurs Program student, Sheehan Chase
Speaker Session with Stephen Metter