Environmental Studies Pathway
Earn your AS Natural Sciences (ASNS) degree in Biological Sciences or Physical Sciences from UHCC and transfer to Chaminade University to earn your BS Environmental Studies degree—your General Education/Core Curriculum will be waived.
Admission Requirements
- AS Natural Sciences degree from UH Community College system
- As part of the AS Natural Science degree, students should complete courses with a C or better:
Two-Year Environmental Studies Degree (to be completed at Chaminade University)
Fall Term (16 credits)
ENV 100 Intro to Environmental Issues
ENV 201/L Conver Biol & Ecology with Lab
BU 200 Introduction to Business
GE 204 Landscapes of Hawaii
Upper Division Elective
Spring Term (15 credits)
BI 104 Digital Science
CH 102/L Chemistry for the Concerned World Citizen with Laboratory
ENV 202/L Environmental Physics with Lab
Upper Division Elective
Upper Division Elective
Fall Term (15 credits)
ENV 300 Enviro Policy and Law
ENV 315 Enviro Economics
BI 387 Internship or Field Exp
ENV 400 Current Glob Env Issues
Upper Division Elective
Spring Term (19 credits)
ENV 431 Environmental Ethics
EN 307 Nature Writing
SO 317 Social Research Methods
BI 471/L Ecology with Lab
ENV 485 Environmental Capstone
PSY 434 Organizational Psy