AS Supervision & Management to BA Business Administration Pathway
Earn your AS degree in Supervision & Management from GCC and transfer to Chaminade University to earn your Business Administration degree—your General Education/Core Curriculum will be waived.
Eligibility Requirements
- AS Supervision & Management from Guam Community College
- As part of the AS, students must take the following courses, completed with a C or better:
- MA 115* College Algebra
- MKT 123* Principles of Marketing
- And one of the following*:
- MKT 205 Entrepreneurship
- OA 250 Office Procedures
- PY 125 Interpersonal Relations
- Or SM 205 Purchasing
*Should be taken as part of GCC Electives
Two-Year Business Administration Degree (to be completed at Chaminade University)
Fall Term (15 credits)
CIS 103 Computer & App Software
EC 201 Macro Economics
ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 224 Applied Business Statistics
MGT 305 Management of Information Resources
Spring Term (15 credits)
EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II
FIN 301 Principles of Finance
BU 308 Professional Writing & Presentation
BU 362 Legal and Ethical Issues in Business
Fall Term (18 credits)
MGT 306 Human Resource Management
BU 324 Quantitative Methods
BU 402 International Business
BU 416 Career Development
MGT 407 Operations Management
Upper Division Elective
Spring Term (18 credits)
BU 460 Business Strategy
BU 470 Senior Field Experience
Upper Division Elective
Upper Division Elective
Upper Division Elective
Note: This program may also be completed as an online program, students would transfer and complete this degree in an online, flexible format through the Chaminade Flex Program.