Chaminade senior Erin Ah Sue and Chaminade accounting professor Wayne Tanna presented their collaborative research at the 24th annual conference of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) in Las Vegas this spring.
Titled “The Palolo (Elementary School) Stock Market Challenge,” their paper with an accompanying PowerPoint was accepted for competition under the educational leadership track for the “Classroom and Adjustment Issues at Home and Abroad” session. The competitive sessions were organized with an average of four papers presented. After each presentation, general discussion followed.
For the past 20-years, students at Chaminade have strengthened their neighboring community, Palolo Valley, through various service-learning projects, including the “Palolo Stock Market Challenge,” a fantasy investment simulation. Ah Sue, majoring in Nursing and Business Administration, was a recent student-mentor with the project. She and Tanna, her instructor, shared details and the results of the development and operation of the most recent project that assisted low-income students and families in the area. Ah Sue was the main presenter.
The project taught the participating Palolo students basic math concepts and developed financial literacy and an appreciation of the ethical and environmental impacts of business operations through the real-world contexts of saving and investing.
“The paper was more of an instructor’s manual for replicating the game at other universities and public schools around the country,” said Tanna, who has been involved in this project for many years.
Tanna and Ah Sue, who is also a Hogan Entrepreneur Program student, were able to attend other sessions during the March 23-25 conference, as well as the ASBBS awards luncheon with Virginia Gean of California Lutheran University as keynote speaker. Gean spoke on “Success Stories of Women Leaders in Business and Education.”