A spring tradition at Chaminade, the annual International Extravaganza on April 7, 2017, featured student-led performances of dance and song. Seven cultural clubs with 120 participants shared their talents with the campus community. The campus organizations involved were the Filipino Club, Ka Ipu Kukui Me Ka ‘Ie ‘Ie (Hawaiian Club), the Indigo Lotus Club, Lumana’i O Samoa (the Samoan Club), the Marianas Club, the Micronesian Club, and the Temana Tahitian Club.
“This event is an important opportunity for students to showcase their clubs and their culture to the Chaminade and Oahu communities. As one of the most culturally diverse universities in the nation, we host this event to showcase and celebrate the diversity of our students and staff,” said Jay Spenser Darden, the director of the Office of Student Activities and Leadership.
The Office of Student Activities and Leadership sponsored the event, which took place on the Sullivan Family Library lawn. Dressed in elaborate cultural wear, students sang, chanted and danced traditional numbers from the represented geographical locations. Students had to not only the learn the songs and dances, but they also had to learn the stories and the meanings behind their performance numbers. The student-led performances exhilarated the crowd for hours.
There was an opportunity to honor and thank Chaminade president Bro. Bernard Ploeger, SM with applause and love. Bro. Ploeger, who has been a foundational pillar for the university for decades will conclude his service as president on June 30, 2017, after having served the university for 23 years: eight years as its president plus the prior 15 years in other leadership capacities.
The Office of Student Activities and Leadership (OSAL) offers Chaminade students opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities and out-of classroom experiences that promote personal development and leadership training. OSAL has over 30 student clubs, wellness programs, recreation and intramural sports, various campus activities throughout the year, and more.