The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is the practice of educators systematically researching their teaching methods and students’ learning to enhance educational outcomes. This process includes inquiry, reflection, and sharing results with the academic community to foster continuous improvement in education.
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Chaminade University supports faculty in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) by offering resources such as topic discussions, SoTL project design assistance, peer review, and help with locating appropriate journals. Faculty can explore various aspects of teaching and learning, develop research projects with experimental designs, and engage in peer review processes to enhance their teaching practices and student learning outcomes.
Topic Ideas
- Active learning
- Classroom assessment
- Cooperative learning
- Course design (i.e., backward design)
- Critical thinking
- Diversity engagement
- Learning communities
- Motivation
- Undergraduate research
- Creating and applying rubrics
- Service-learning
- Technology
Project Ideas
- Literature review focus
- Methods category (i.e., quantitative/qualitative assessments)
- Experimental design
- Statistical analysis