Senior Leadership

On January 20, 2018, Lynn M. Babington, PhD, was officially inaugurated as Chaminade University of Honolulu’s tenth president after years of proven leadership at institutions of higher education. At the very outset of her tenure, Babington positioned Chaminade as a university committed to excellence, innovation and relevance and has collaborated with her leadership team, key Chaminade and community stakeholders, Silversword alumni and others to realize that ambitious vision.
Since beginning at Chaminade, Dr. Babington has spearheaded a significant expansion of academic programming aimed at meeting workforce needs while putting the university’s mission of service into action. Under her leadership, Chaminade has launched high-demand degrees, rolled out signature programs of academic excellence with an emphasis on community building, streamlined online undergraduate offerings, and strengthened leadership development programs for students.

Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Lance Askildson, PhD

Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Aulani Kaanoi

Rector & Vice President for Mission
Bro. Edward Brink, SM

Vice President for Enrollment Management & Associate Provost for Student Success
Jennifer Creech, EdD

Vice President, University Communications & Marketing
Lisa Furuta

Vice President, Advancement
Jill Higashi

Vice President, Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Allison Jerome, EdD