Becoming Cyber-Mindful is about protecting our computing and information assets with physical, technical and behavioral controls and ensuring we’re prepared to react if a hack or breach happens. Chaminade IT&S works hard to make sure physical and technical controls are in good working order on all our campus systems. But our actions are an important part of the equation, as well.
Here you’ll find resources to help you understand your role in protecting Chaminade’s information assets and learn steps you can take to do your part.
We would like to extend a special mahalo to our sister Marianist school, University of Dayton, who has allowed us to use and repurpose much of the content from their Cyber-Mindfulness campaign for our site. Without their assistance this area of the IT&S web site would not have been possible.
Note: “Becoming Cyber-Mindful” is a trademark of the University of Dayton and used with their permission.