To Borrow or Not to Borrow?
If you have a loan listed in your award, you may decide to borrow all of the amount, some of it, or none.
If you need to borrow, you should only borrow what you need to in order to attend school. It may not be necessary for you to borrow everything that is recommended if you intend to pay portions of what you need for college on your own. You are not obligated to borrow amounts listed on your award.
The loan amounts listed on your award were calculated, in conjunction with other aid that you may be eligible for, to provide sufficient funds to meet your entire estimated college costs (both direct and indirect). Award amounts are intended to cover not just what you will owe Chaminade, but to pay for other costs such as personal expenses.
You should use your own judgment as to whether you want to borrow any of the loans listed on your award offer, and if so, how much.