Billing and payments are handled by the Chaminade University Business Office. See location and contact information below.
Payments Due
Tuition, room and board, and fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the semester. Please see the academic calendar for semester start dates for the undergraduate program.
Student Account Billing, E-bills
An initial billing statement for new day students will be mailed to the address on file.
Billing by email: Chaminade will only be providing monthly billing statements online. A notice will be sent to your Chaminade student email account when a new E-bill is available. You will have the option to print a hard copy of your statement once you have viewed your E-bill statement.
View Your Account Online
You may view your account balance, enroll in a Tuition Payment Plan, or Make a Payment at any time in Student Self-Service.
Financial Clearance
All outstanding charges must be paid in full before the start of the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to check his or her account before the start of every term to ensure that all financial obligations have been satisfied. If registering after the start of the term, financial clearance must be achieved at the time of registration.
If financial clearance is not made by the first day of a Day Program term, a $100 late payment fee will be assessed, and a business office hold will be placed on your account.
If financial clearance is not made by the first day of a Graduate or Doctoral program, you will be in jeopardy of disenrollment from your classes. Any class-related fees are not refundable.
For FLEX Students, if there are no payments or you are not enrolled in the Tuition Payment Plan after the add/drop period ends for the current month, a hold will be placed on your account. With this hold, you are unable to register for future courses, request for any Transcripts or receive your Diploma.
Check Your Student Email for Important Reminders
Financial clearance may be achieved by the settlement of all semester charges through one or more the following methods:
- Payment in full of net amount due (see Payment Options below)
- Enrollment in a tuition payment plan (See Monthly Tuition Payment Plan details below)
- Financial aid awards and/or loans
- Military Education Benefits (including Tuition Assistance or VA Benefits)
- Tuition waivers
- Third-party payment
For Military Education Benefits, tuition waivers, and third-party payments, please ensure official verification is submitted to the Business Office, to your Chaminade Program Coordinator, or the Chaminade VA representative prior to the first day of the term. If you are entitled to military education benefits with ArmyIgnitED, please complete your registration via the ArmyIgnitED website.
Payment Options
- Online: Payments can be made with any major credit card, debit card, electronic check, or supported 529 plan. Payments by credit card or debit card will be assessed a 2.85% service charge for each domestic transaction (4.5% for each international transaction) with a minimum $3.00 charge for transactions over $20.00.
- By Phone: Payment by phone is no longer available.
- Check or Money Order: Checks or money orders sent by mail should be made payable to “Chaminade University of Honolulu” in US dollars and mailed to:
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Business Office
3140 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578A
$25 fee will be charged for each returned check. Please note: Hawaii banks will place a hold on out-of-state checks for six working days. Checking account payments can also be made online through Student Self-Service.
- In Person: You may pay in person at the Chaminade business office located in Clarence T.C. Ching Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30. p.m, Monday through Friday (except holidays). Cash, check, or money order only. Payments by credit card are not accepted in person.
Monthly Tuition Payment Plan
If you elect to pay tuition in monthly increments, you may enroll in a tuition payment plan via Student Self-Service. The Day Undergraduate Tuition Payment Plan allows you to pay for the current semester using four monthly installments. There is an enrollment fee of $55 per term, but no monthly finance charges.
For more information, contact the Business Office at (808) 735-4898 or 735-4756.
Open enrollment for the fall semester tuition payment plan begins July 1st, and the spring semester tuition payment plan open enrollment begins December 1st.
Enroll via Student Self-Service. You will need your student ID and password.
New Students, Day Undergraduate Program
Important Dates
For fall semester enrollment, your first bill will be emailed to you after July 1. You will also be able to view your account and financial aid award information in Student Self-Service. If you are considering a monthly tuition payment plan, open enrollment begins July 1.
To cover books and expenses for the first month, students should bring U.S. Postal Service money orders or traveler’s checks in denominations of $100 or less.
International Students
International students should establish a relationship with a financial institution prior to arriving in Honolulu.
Financial Aid
Students receiving financial aid should bring with them sufficient funds to cover books and living expenses while forms are being processed.
Contact Information
The Business Office is located in the Clarence T.C. Ching Hall central lobby on the ground floor.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Please see the academic calendar for holiday closures.
Phone: (808) 735-4711
Payment inquiries: (808) 735-4768 or (808) 739-4634
Special Billings (TA, ArmyIgnitED, etc.): (808) 739-4634
Tuition Payment Plan: (808) 735-4898 or (808) 735-4756
Email: [email protected]
Our address is:
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Business Office
3140 Waialae Ave
Honolulu, HI 96816-1578