You Served Us, Now It’s Our Turn to Serve You
Chaminade University is proud to support our service members and their families. Here you’ll find helpful resources to assist you in navigating the use of your educational benefits to help you obtain your educational goals.
If you have any questions, we’re happy to help you. Please contact us at [email protected] or (808) 735-4815.
Students Receiving or Potential Qualified to Receive VA Educational Benefits
A routine VA compliance survey is being conducted by Chaminade University of Honolulu. Although a VA representative will not physically be on campus, you are encouraged to contact the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551 with comments or concerns you may have regarding this school and/or your use of VA education benefits.
GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.

Applying for Certification of Enrollment to VA-for VA Educational Benefits:
- You may obtain information and apply for your VA educational benefits at GI Bill Website
- Discuss your academic plan with your advisor and register for your classes
- If you are changing major or institution you must complete a VA form 22-1995 on your first VA certification request and submit it to the VA Certifying Official
- Submit Chaminade University VA Form 29A to the Chaminade University VA Certifying Official (See: Requesting Certification Each Semester/Term)
- It is IMPORTANT to submit a VA Change in Enrollment Status 29B form as soon as possible if there is a change in your enrollment status (see note below: Change in Enrollment Status)
NOTE: Change in Enrollment Status (Add/Drop/Withdraw/Canceled). If a student decides to add, drop, or withdraw from a course, or the class is canceled for the term, the student must notify the Certifying Official by submitting CUH29B Change in Enrollment Status Form.
Academic Plan
All students requesting or receiving VA educational benefits are required to have a current academic plan.
Requesting Certification Each Semester/Term
Before you can be certified for the term, you will need to submit your Certificate of Eligibility to the SCO Certification of your courses to the VA and should say The Request for Certification form is here and due every term you plan to use your benefit at Chaminade. If any changes occur to your schedule after you have been certified, please inform the SCO using this form. Please be advised that only courses that apply to your approved program of study can be certified to the VA for payment. Approved programs can be found on WEAMS.
VA Once Notification
When the VA Certification is submitted to the VA, you will receive an email from VA once acknowledging the acceptance of the certification request. Your Chaminade student email address will be used as the default address, unless a preferred (personal) email address is on the 29A, in which case the latter will be used.
Transfer VA Students
Transfer students using a VA awarded education benefit will need to submit the Change of Program or Place of Training form 22-1995 to the VA. More details can be found here A new Certificate of Eligibility will be sent to you after about 4-6 weeks and should be shared with the SCO using [email protected]
Transfer Education Benefits (TEB) to Dependent Information:
Verifying Enrollment Each Month: (For Chapters: 30, 1606 & 1607)
After the student has been certified for the semester he/she must verify continued enrollment with the VA office in Muskogee, Oklahoma. This must be done at the end of each month before payments will be issued. Verify enrollment by calling 1-877-823-2378 or GI Bill Verify Attendance.
Please submit your Certificate of Eligibility to the School Certifying Official using [email protected] with COE in the subject line.