Open to all majors and undergraduates as well as graduate students, (not just business majors,) we recognize that any Hogan graduate has the potential to start something new. New ideas that contribute to society and the well-being of communities benefit everyone, but also can make for successful, thriving businesses. This is the variety of entrepreneurial spirit we cultivate in our program. Our motto is “Doing business things that make social sense. Doing social things that make business sense.”
Eligibility and Requirements
The Hogan Program is a one year or two year certificate program (similar to the Early Childhood Education and Environmental Studies Programs). It is open to students of ALL MAJORS, who are full time at Chaminade. Our courses count as upper division electives at no cost as long as the student does not go over the 19 credit hour limit/semester.
First-Year full-time undergraduate students are required to:
- Take ENT 301(Tuesdays, 2:30-5:20pm) in the fall and ENT 302 (Tuesdays, 2:30-5:20pm) in the spring
- Take MBA 701 (normally during the spring semester) or MBA 740 (normally during the fall semester) – Graduates
- Participate in Wednesday Evening Entrepreneurial Speaker Series (6:00-7:30pm)
- Perform 25 hours of community service in Hawaii per year
- Attend all networking events
Second-Year full-time undergraduate students are required to:
- Take ENT 401 (Thursdays, 2:30-5:20pm) and ENT 402 (Thursdays, 2:30-5:20pm) (Optional)
- Participate in Wednesday Evening Entrepreneurial Speaker Series (6:00-7:30pm)
- Perform 25 hours of community service in Hawaii per year
- Attend all networking events
Candidate Selection
Students are eligible to apply for the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program if they will be sophomores, juniors, seniors or a graduate student when they enter. Review of applications and the interview of applicants by the program director will take place early enough so that selected students can take advantage of early registration.
- A GPA of 2.8 or better and continuing performance at that level during time in the program.
- A record of leadership or entrepreneurial roles and activities.
- A personal orientation, which evidences creative thinking and the ability to thoughtfully consider the ethical dimensions of individual, group, and organizational action.
The number of entering students is limited to about twenty-five each year.
Note: Some students are accepted as Adjunct Hogan Entrepreneurs if they qualify in all but the area of grade point average, or if they expect to be in the program for less than one year.
Those without an adequate GPA will be accepted as regular Hogan Entrepreneurs and be eligible for a Hogan Certificate of Achievement when they attain an overall GPA of 2.8 or better.
Once a student is accepted to the program they are welcome to:
- Be considered for International Internships (e.g., India Interest Group and Entrepreneurial Business Study Mission)
- Engage in the Hogan Mentor-in-Residence Program – students can meet privately with a Hogan Steering Committee, Hogan Council member or a Speaker from our Wednesday Evening Sessions to help plan ahead!
- Engage in the Hogan Entrepreneur-in-Residence Program – students can meet privately with Russel Cheng, and Entrepreneur with diverse international experiences to assist with a new idea!
- Work in local entrepreneurial internships – we try to get them paid internships