A love of science and a fascination with the “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” television franchise drew Chelcey Doss to Chaminade University of Honolulu.
Now, after earning her Forensic Science B.S. degree in 2015 with a minor in Chemistry, Doss does more than watch CSI shows on TV. She’s out in the field conducting official crime scene investigations for the Chandler Police Department in Arizona.

What’s the biggest difference between academia and the professional world?
“You’re seeing real people,” Doss says. “And usually it’s not a good day for them.”
Fortunately for the approximately 261,000 Chandler residents, the city’s violent crime rate is relatively low.
“We only had four homicides last year,” Doss points out. “And that was actually high. There are lots of property crimes – vehicle burglaries, house burglaries. A lot of the calls that come across are domestic violence or drug-related.”
Looking back at her time on campus, Doss describes Chaminade as “an amazing experience.”
“I loved the diversity,” she says of college life. “And I really enjoyed the professors,” including Dr. David Carter, director of the Forensic Sciences Unit. “They are very in tune with what students need.”
“I want to say ‘thank you’ to Chaminade for helping me get to where I am today,” Doss adds. “I’m very grateful.”
The Forensic Science program is part of the Division of Natural Science and Mathematics. It provides students with a wide range of options as they prepare for careers in fields such as law enforcement, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine. Since 2010, 86% of graduates have been placed in science-related positions. Chaminade University offers two credentials in forensic sciences education: a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Sciences (BSFS) and a Minor in Forensic Sciences.