1.7 Internal Committees of Chaminade University
1.7.1 Hui Alakaʻi – President’s Cabinet
1.7.2 Administrative Councils for Shared Governance Hui Haku – Senior Leadership Council Hui Konohiki Hui Kuleana – Provost’s Council for Continuous Improvement Rector’s Council Day Undergraduate Experience Steering Committee Early Student Engagement and Success – Retention Committee
1.7.3 Academic Councils & Committees for Shared Governance Academic Council Academic Curriculum Committees Academic Chairs & Directors Committee
1.7.4 Institutional Committees Rank and Tenure Committee Peer Review of Tenured Faculty Committee Grievance Review Committee Academic Standards Appeals Board Student Welfare Committee University Fringe Benefits Committee Library Advisory Committee
1.7.5 Institutional Committees for Administration Institutional Review Board for the Preservation of Human Subjects Emergency Coordination Team Scholarship Committee Compliance Committee
1.7.6 Review and Sunset Provisions on Committees of Chaminade University
1.7.7 Review and Sunset Provisions on Standing Committees of Chaminade University
1.7 Internal Committees of Chaminade University
1.7.1 Hui Alakaʻi – President’s Cabinet
1.7.2 Administrative Councils for Shared Governance Hui Haku – Senior Leadership Council
Hui Haku (Senior Leadership Council) is advisory to the President of the University. The Council discusses issues put before it by the President and other members. Meetings are held regularly throughout the year. Agenda items include reports and discussion by each of the Division Heads regarding all matters related to their areas of responsibility.
It assists in the conduct of the University especially by being a forum for cross-divisional coordination and directs the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Thus its agenda typically includes:
- Coordination of cross-divisional plans or events (e.g., academic convocation, opening of fall school term, attendance at Marianist Universities meetings); or coordination of such things as agendas for the Board of Regents and its committees, and other topics which link the University to external stakeholders and/or benefactors, calendar of events for the year, agendas for Hui Konohiki;
- Discussion of facets of the implementation of the Strategic Plan as selected by the President. Critique, cross-divisional coordination and evaluation of progress in achieving these plans are part of the on-going work of Hui Haku.
- Review of policies or procedures, which will apply to much or all of the University, (e.g., emergency response procedures, employee holidays). Note that in some cases another University committee may have first reviewed a policy before passing to Hui Haku for final review before adoption/ratification by the President;
- Advising the President on matters she brings to it (e.g., responding to issues of significance such as disposal of hazardous waste, relationships with campus partners);
- President, Chair
- Provost
- Vice President, Finance and Facilities & Chief Financial Officer
- Vice President, Advancement
- Vice President, Mission and Rector
- Vice President, Enrollment Management & Associate Provost for Student Success
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Vice President, University Communications & Marketing
- Vice Provost and Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
- Deans of the all Academic Divisions Hui Konohiki
Hui Konohiki (Advisory Council) monitors the University’s planning process to ensure that it remains consistent with the University’s mission, goals, and strategic plan. It will review achievements, receive progress reports, and identify issues that may conflict with University goals. As the consultative group responsible for advising the President on all major aspects of the strategic plan, its agenda includes:
- Monitoring and evaluation of the internal and external environments in which Chaminade’s strategic plan is formulated and carried out;
- The formulation of the annual budget (both operating and capital); and related issues such as space planning.
- Assessment of overall progress in achieving the objectives of the strategic plan, which may result in suggesting revisions to the plan.
As a group of well-informed persons, members are responsible for the dissemination of information to appropriate committees, divisions, units, or programs and individuals for use as a basis for action leading to total institutional improvement. Similarly, members should be spokespersons for the Strategic Plan and the directions taken in its implementation.
Hui Konohiki will:
- Review the University Strategic Plan for consistency with the University mission and vision statement.
- Review achievement of strategies in the University Strategic Plan.
- Receive and consider reports periodically at the request of the President on the progress made in achieving the vision and accomplishing identified strategies.
- Serve as an advisory committee on accrediting association recommendations as appropriate.
- President, Chair
- Provost
- Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
- Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
- Director for Health Professions Advising and Undergraduate Research
- Assistant Vice President, Student Success/Registrar
- Director, Advising and Career Development
- Deans of the Academic Divisions
- Program Directors from the Academic Divisions
- Vice President of Finance and Facilities
- Director, Finance
- Director, Facilities
- Director, L. Robert Allen Montessori School
- Bookstore Manager
- Vice President, Enrollment Management
- Director, Financial Aid
- Director, Admissions
- Vice President, Advancement
- Vice President, Mission and Rector
- Director of Campus Ministry
- Director, Service Learning
- Vice President, Human Resources and Legal Affairs
- Director, Security
- Director, Institutional Research
- Vice President, Marketing/Communications
- Integrated Marketing Manager
- Designer
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Director, Athletics
- Director, Residential Life
- Director, Student Activities and Leadership
- Director, Counseling Services
- Director, Food Services
- Sr. Director of Information Technologies and Services
- Director, Systems Integration
- Director, Client Services
- Director, Sullivan Family Library
- President, Faculty Senate
- President-Elect, Faculty Senate
- President, Chaminade Student Government Association
- Vice President, Chaminade Student Government Association
In the first instance the President and the Provost and by extension Hui Haku are primarily responsible for preparing the agenda for Hui Konohiki and for taking the results of the discussions and seeing that they are acted upon in an appropriate fashion, (e.g., passed to a specific administrator or committee, brought back for further discussion, incorporated into next revision of Strategic Plan). Hui Kuleana – Provost’s Council for Continuous Improvement
Hui Kuleana is an institutional body tasked with organizing, managing and documenting the university’s continuous improvement process in accordance with the university strategic plan and in compliance with WSCUC accreditation criteria for review. Hui Kuleana is chaired by the Provost & Senior Vice-President and comprised of faculty senate leadership, academic deans and select academic and institutional administrators responsible for key domains of continuous improvement and institutional reporting. This body meets regularly to identify and prioritize opportunities for institutional improvement and document progress in service to institutional benchmarking, compliance and key performance indicators. This body is also charged with promoting a culture of continuous improvement through its membership and highly visible engagement of the campus community in institutional improvement activities.
Key Functions
- Identifies and prioritizes opportunities for institutional improvement in accordance with the university strategic plan and in compliance with WSCUC accreditation criteria for review
- Oversees and documents the implementation of institutional improvement activities in service to institutional benchmarking, compliance and key performance indicators
- Promotes and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement across the campus
- Provost (Ex Officio Chair)
- Vice President for Finance & Facilities & Chief Financial Officer
- Vice President for Enrollment Management & Associate Provost for Student Success
- Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
- Vice Provost for Mission & Rector
- Vice-Provost & Accreditation Liaison Officer
- Faculty Senate President
- Faculty Senate President-Elect
- Faculty Chair of the Doctoral & Graduate Culture Committee
- Dean of Nursing & Health Professions
- Dean of Natural Science & Mathematics
- Dean of Education & Behavioral Sciences
- Dean of Humanities, Arts & Design
- Dean of Business & Communication
- Assistant Provost for Inclusive Excellence
- Assistant Provost for Faculty Development
- Senior Director for Institutional Effectiveness Rector’s Council
- Rector, Chair
- Director of Campus Ministry
- Pastoral Campus Ministry
- Members of Faculty and Staff appointed by the Rector
- Two student representatives selected by the Rector in consultation with the Director of Campus Ministry and the Dean of Students Day Undergraduate Experience Steering Committee
Recognizing that a student in the day undergraduate program relates in important ways to many dimensions of the University – faculty, curricula, academic advising and support, campus ministry, student activities, residential life and others – the Day Undergraduate Experience Steering Committee, composed of the senior administrators responsible for these areas, has for its purpose the setting of direction, coordination of the implementation and evaluation of the various facets of the day undergraduate program. It gives particular attention to the setting of priorities designed to achieve early student engagement. As such, its members maintain close communication with the Retention, Student Progress and First Year Experience Committee.
- Provost, Chair
- Vice President of Enrollment Management
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Director of Campus Ministry
- Associate Provost for Day Undergraduate Programs, Advising and Retention
- Supervisor of Student Accounts Receivable Early Student Engagement and Success – Retention Committee
This Committee serves two purposes.
First, the Committee acts as a liaison and an advisory committee between Academics, Student Affairs, and Enrollment Services. The Committee’s purpose is to collect and analyze information about the first college year and other significant student transitions. This information is then used to assist educators and administrators in developing policies to enhance the learning, success, satisfaction, retention, and graduation of college students in transition.
Second, the Committee serves to monitor individual student progress, with focus on those students exhibiting behaviors or attitudes that would classify them as “at risk” to satisfactory progress toward a degree. With each student identified, a determination is made of whether, and by whom, an intervention should be attempted. This purpose of the committee is to serve as an early warning of students whose behaviors may indicate a high risk of attrition.
This committee reports to the Provost.
- Vice President of Enrollment Management, Chair
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Director of Counseling
- Assistant Director of Admissions
- Director of Institutional Research
- Director of Academic Advising
- Director of Residential Life
- Director of Campus Ministry
- Director of Financial Aid
- Two faculty selected by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee
- Two students selected by the Student Government
1.7.3 Academic Councils & Committees for Shared Governance Academic Council
Academic Council is the university’s designated shared governance body for academic discussions and formal recommendations regarding academic programs, curricula and policies. Academic Council recommendations are made to the Provost for review and final adjudication by the university administration. Academic Council is intentionally structured to give the Chaminade University faculty primary responsibility for academic quality and initial approval for new academic programs, curricular changes and any academic policies affecting the faculty as a body. The Chaminade faculty have six standing representatives to Academic Council comprised of the President of the Faculty Senate and five additional faculty representatives selected through the Faculty Senate. Together, these six faculty serve as voting members alongside the five academic Deans for a total of eleven voting members in aggregate. The voting membership is therefore designed to provide faculty with the majority of votes within Academic Council. The Provost chairs Academic Council in an ex officio capacity, but does not vote. Proposals for new academic programs are only forwarded to Academic Council after they have been reviewed and approved for academic quality by the respective Academic School’s Curriculum Committee. Academic Council is a public body, governed by parliamentary procedure, and open to all faculty and administrative staff. The agenda for Academic Council – including the full proposals for any new academic programs, policies or curricular changes – is shared at least one week prior to the in-person meeting to ensure adequate time for discussion and review. Items may be added to the agenda for Academic Council by the Provost, the Faculty Senate President, the Academic Deans or the University Registrar.
Key Functions
- Reviews and makes recommendations about new academic programs after they have been reviewed and approved by the respective Academic School’s Curriculum Committee
- Reviews and makes recommendations regarding curricular changes to current academic programs
- Reviews and makes recommendations regarding the deactivation of existing academic programs
- Reviews and makes recommendations regarding academic policies
Voting Members
- Faculty Senate President (1)
- Five full-time faculty selected by the President of the Faculty Senate and in consultation with the Provost (5)
- The Deans for each of the five Academic Schools (5)
Non-Voting Members (ex officio)
- Provost (Chair)
- Vice Provost
- Associate Provost
- Registrar
- Library Director Academic Curriculum Committees
Academic Curriculum Committees are designed to ensure that faculty exercise primary responsibility for academic quality by reviewing and approving all academic courses, curricula and programs. Each of the five Academic School’s hosts its own School Curriculum Committee. Curriculum Committees are comprised of at least three members of the full-time faculty for each Academic School as appointed by the Dean. Curriculum committees are charged with reviewing and approving all new coursework, curricular changes and proposals for academic programs before they are forwarded to Academic Council. Proposals for curriculum committee review are initiated by undergraduate program coordinators/chairs and graduate directors on behalf of their programs and with the support of their disciplinary faculty. Once approved by the School Curriculum Committee, the Faculty Chair forwards the approval to the academic Dean who then submits the proposal to Academic Council for tertiary review.
Key Functions
- Reviews and makes recommendations about new academic programs after they have been initiated by program coordinators/chairs and directors on behalf of their program faculty
- Reviews and makes recommendations regarding curricular changes after they have been initiated by program coordinators/chairs and directors on behalf of their program faculty
- Reviews and makes recommendations regarding new coursework after it has been initiated by program coordinators/chairs and directors on behalf of their program faculty
Voting Members
- A minimum of three full-time faculty selected by the Dean, one of whom should be designated as Chair (3)
Non-Voting Members (ex officio)
- Dean or their designate (Optional) Academic Chairs & Directors Committee
The Academic Chairs and Directors Committee (ACDC) plays a dual role as an advisory body and a strategic forum for the Dean’s Council. This committee convenes with a specific emphasis on addressing emerging challenges that affect academic excellence, academic program sustainability, and compliance matters. ACDC is chaired by the Vice Provost & ALO and consists of academic program chairs, directors, and School-level Academic Deans. Meetings are held on a quarterly basis to deliberate on the implementation of critical initiatives, devise strategies to enhance and maintain academic excellence throughout the institution, and engage with key stakeholders to support the sustainability of academic programs.
Key Functions
- Devise strategies for implementing key academic initiatives and ensuring their successful rollout.
- Review, assess, and offer guidance as needed to improve policies and procedures impacting academic quality.
- Identify and assist in planning key development opportunities for chairs, directors, and the full faculty body.
- Work to align the institution’s academic goals with the needs and expectations of its stakeholders to ensure program sustainability.
- Vice-Provost & ALO (Ex Officio Chair)
- Academic Deans
- All Undergraduate Degree Program Coordinators (Chairs)
- All Graduate Degree Program Directors (Directors)
1.7.4 Institutional Committees Rank and Tenure Committee
This committee reviews candidates for promotion and tenure. It is also available to advise the Provost on entry rank issues, and issues concerning separation, progressive discipline and dismissal when promotion or tenure are not at issue and when requested by the Provost or a faculty member under separation or progressive issues. See Volume IV, Section 4.8.
The Committee shall have at least five full-time tenured faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate for two-year terms. It reports its recommendations to the Provost. Divisional Deans are not eligible for election to this committee. Faculty members who are eligible for promotion may not serve on this committee during a year that they are considered for promotion. Peer Review of Tenured Faculty Committee
This committee reviews tenured faculty at regular intervals according to procedures established in Volume IV, Section 4.7.4, and reports to the reviewed faculty member, the appropriate Division Dean and, as applicable, Graduate Program Director, and the Provost. This committee is elected from the tenured faculty of the Faculty Senate for two year terms. It shall consist of five full-time tenured faculty members from a minimum of three divisions including the library. Divisional Deans are not eligible for election to this committee. Faculty members may not serve on this committee during a year that they are being reviewed by this committee. Grievance Review Committee
This committee facilitates the resolution of grievances for all faculty members and hears grievances regarding termination, dismissal and suspension; failure to comply with employment policies and procedures; questions regarding the process of the annual review; and questions regarding academic freedom and free speech violations. The committee reports to the Provost.
The membership of the Committee consists of five full-time tenured faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate for two-year terms. Members of this committee may not be on the Rank and Tenure Committee, be officers of the Faculty Senate or Divisional Deans. In case of a conflict of interest in any particular case, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee will appoint an alternate for that grievance.
See Volume IV Section 4.14 for the explanation of the grievance policy and procedure. Academic Standards Appeals Board
The Board serves as an appeal process for academic appeals. The Board may be requested by a student or faculty member to review the decision of the Provost after all prior procedures have been followed.
The Board reports its findings and recommendation to the parties, the Provost, and the President of the University.
- Two faculty members selected by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee for staggered one-year terms
- One faculty or administrative officer selected by the President for a two-year term, who will be the chair
Graduate and undergraduate appeals will be heard by this board. Student Welfare Committee
This committee exists to consider ways to improve or extend co-curricular programs and services to the student body. As such, the Committee is concerned about the co-curricular experience of the total student population as well as subgroups of that population. The Committee is charged to recommend improvements or additions to out-of-class programs and services, with the goal of constantly enhancing the level of student satisfaction and the educational and service value of these programs and services. This committee reports to the Dean of Students who is also its chair.
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students, Chair
- Two professional staff of the University
- Two faculty appointed by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate
- President of the Student Government Association or a designee
- Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association or designee
- Residence Hall Association Vice President
- One student appointed at-large by the Student Government. University Fringe Benefits Committee
The Fringe Benefits Committee ascertains and provides advice with regard to levels of fringe benefits to University faculty and staff, and shall study, review, and make recommendations with regard to comprehensive compensation plans, including basic salary schedules for various staff, with provision for evaluation; and shall study, review, and recommend comprehensive fringe benefit programs.
- The Vice President, Human Resources and Legal Affairs, Chair
- Two faculty appointed from the Compensation Committee of the Faculty Senate
- One exempt administrator appointed by the President of the University
- One exempt professional appointed by the President of the University
- Two non-exempt staff appointed by the President of the University
- Director, Finance Library Advisory Committee
This committee provides advice to the Information Services Advisory Committee through its elected representative to that committee on all matters relating to the library. It provides advice to the Library Director on library policies, facilities, resources, and services, and assists in the assessment of the library.
The committee is made up of 8 voting members:
- Director of the Library, Chair
- One faculty member from each division appointed by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate
- One undergraduate student appointed by the Student Government Association
- One graduate student selected by the Director of Graduate Services.
Ex-officio members:
- The Dean of Information Technologies and Support
- Director of the Academic Achievement Program
1.7.5 Institutional Committees for Administration Institutional Review Board for the Preservation of Human Subjects
The Provost will determine if the research requires review to safeguard the rights and welfare of research subjects and to conform to federal regulations. If such a review is required, the review will be conducted under contract with an external review board. Currently, there is no internal committee for an institutional review board. See Section 2.7 of Volume II of the Policy Manual on Protection of Human Rights and Animal Subjects of Research Investigations. Emergency Coordination Team
See the Emergency Manual.
- Vice President, Human Resources & Legal Affairs, Chair
- Provost
- Vice President of Finance and Facilities
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Vice President, Enrollment Management Scholarship Committee
- Vice President, Enrollment Management, Chair
- At least two Faculty appointed by the Vice President of Enrollment Management
- Director, Academic Advising and Retention
- Enrollment Specialist
- Development Specialist
- Coordinator of AAP Financial Aid Compliance Committee
The Compliance Committee should include individuals with hands-on NCAA compliance responsibilities from the Registrar’s, Admissions, Financial Aid, Academic Advising, Institutional Advancement, Information Systems and Business offices as well as the Compliance Coordinator and the Faculty Athletic Representative. The committee should meet regularly to ensure that there is a resource for reference for all the stakeholders involved and provide a means of review and analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the systems in place. It also monitors the transfer of information when personnel change and documents the steps in each process for outside auditors who may review the program.
Membership should include but is not limited to:
- Vice President of Human Resources & Legal Affairs/Title IX Coordinator
- Compliance Coordinator
- Faculty Athletic Representative
- Director of Academic Advising
- Vice President, Student Affairs/Dean of Students
- Assistant Vice President, Student Success/Registrar
- Director of Finance
- Director of Financial Aid
- Dean of Admissions
- Systems Integrator
- Database Reporter
- Development Coordinator (for Athletics Fundraising)
*The Athletics Director and the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students should attend to observe and add perspective as needed by the committee.
1.7.6 Review and Sunset Provisions on Committees of Chaminade University
The Faculty Senate through its Steering Committee, in April of each academic year, shall review all of their standing and ad-hoc committees with respect to their purpose, structure and membership (Subsection 1.7.7). The Steering Committee shall then recommend to its membership and to the Provost a decision to continue, modify, or eliminate such committees. The Provost and the Hui Haku Senior Leadership Council will review the University’s Administrative, Academic and Institutional Committees (Subsections 1.7.1 and 1.7.5) and complete the same process by making recommendations to the President at the end of each fiscal year.
1.7.7 Review and Sunset Provisions on Standing Committees of Chaminade University
The Faculty Senate through its Steering Committee, in April of each academic year, shall review all of their standing and ad-hoc committees with respect to their purpose, structure, membership and leadership. The Steering Committee shall then recommend to its membership and to the President of the University a decision to continue, modify, or eliminate such committees.
The President and the Hui Haku Senior Leadership Council will review the University Administrative and Institutional Committees (Subsections 1.7.1 and 1.7.3) and complete the same process.