1.6 Internal Governance of Chaminade University
1.6.1 Board of Regents Statement on Governance of Chaminade University
1.6.2 Faculty Senate Constitution of The Faculty Senate of Chaminade University Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of Chaminade University
1.6.3 Chaminade Student Government Association CSGA Constitution Chaminade Student Government Association Bylaws
1.6.4 Chaminade Student Allocation Board CSAB Constitution Chaminade Student Allocation Board Bylaws
1.6.5 Chaminade Student Programming Board CSPB Constitution Bylaws Of The Chaminade Student Programming Board
1.6.6 Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu Constitution of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University Bylaws of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu
1.6 Internal Governance of Chaminade University
1.6.1 Board of Regents Statement on Governance of Chaminade University
- The ultimate responsibility for the institution rests in its governing board. Boards cannot delegate their fiduciary responsibility for the academic integrity and financial health of the institution. Traditionally, and for practical reasons, boards delegate some kinds of authority to other stakeholders with the implicit and sometimes explicit condition that the board reserves the right to question, challenge, and occasionally override decisions or proposals it judges to be inconsistent with the mission, integrity, or financial position of the institution. For example, the delegation of authority to the administration and faculty in adding, reducing, or discontinuing academic programs is made with the implicit understanding that the board still retains the ultimate responsibility.
- The governing board shall retain ultimate responsibility and full authority to determine the mission of the institution in consultation with and on the advice of the President. The board is also responsible for establishing the strategic direction of the institution through its insistence on and participation in comprehensive planning. As with many other issues, the board should work toward a consensus or an understanding on the part of the stakeholders concerning strategic direction and set forth a realistic view of the resources necessary to compete in the educational marketplace, accomplish these strategic goals, and carry out the mission.
- Colleges and universities have many of the characteristics of business enterprises. Consequently, the Board should ensure that, as corporations, their institutions’ fiscal and managerial affairs are administered with appropriate attention to commonly accepted business standards. At the same time, nonprofit colleges and universities differ from businesses in many respects. They do not operate with a profit motive, and the “bottom lines” of colleges and universities are far more difficult to measure. They also differ from businesses in the sense that the processes of teaching, learning, research and scholarship often are at least as important as “the product,” as measured by the conferring of degrees or the publication of research results. And by virtue of their special mission and purpose in a pluralistic society, they have a tradition of participation in institutional governance that is less common in and less appropriate for businesses.
- The governing board should conduct its affairs in a manner that exemplifies the behavior it expects of other participants in institutional governance. From time to time, the Board should examine its membership, structure, and performance and will expect the same of faculty and staff. The Board and its individual members should engage in periodic evaluations of their effectiveness and commitment to their institution. They should strive to understand and respect the unique culture of their organization and its place in the academic landscape. They should comprehend all sides of an issue and—in appropriate instances and in consultation with the President—afford contending parties an opportunity to present their views. The board should be prepared to set forth the reasons for its decisions.
Just as administrators and boards should respect the need for individual faculty members to exercise academic freedom in their classrooms and laboratories, boards should avoid the temptation to micromanage in matters of administration. And just as responsible faculty participation in governance places good institutional citizenship ahead of departmental or personal professional interest, so should individual board members avoid even the perception of any personal or special interests. Board members as well as faculty members should avoid undermining their administrations. - Historically, higher education governance has included three principal internal stakeholders—governing boards, administrators, and the full-time faculty. In fact, other stakeholders exist and in increasing numbers. For example, the nonacademic staff usually substantially outnumbers the faculty, and yet this group rarely has a formal voice in governance. The same is true of the non-tenure-eligible, pro-rata, and adjunct faculty. Students have a vital stake in the institution and should be given opportunities to be heard on various issues and in some cases to participate directly in the governance process, preferably as members of board committees rather than as voting members of governing boards.
The involvement of these diverse internal stakeholder groups will vary according to subject matter and the culture of the institution, but the board is responsible for establishing the rules by which their voices are considered. Boards should ensure that no single stakeholder group is given an exclusive franchise in any area of governance, while recognizing that the subject matter in question will determine which groups have predominant or secondary interests. - All board members, regardless of how they came to the board, should feel a responsibility to serve the institution or the system as a whole and not any particular constituency or segment of the organization. Faculty, student, and staff involvement in the work of the board most appropriately occurs by membership on standing or ad-hoc committees of the board, Boards should be mindful that the presence of one or more students, faculty, or staff members on the board or its committees neither constitutes nor substitutes for full communication and consultation with these stakeholders.
- Governing boards shall state explicitly who has the authority for what kinds of decisions—that is, to which persons or bodies it has delegated authority and whether that delegation is subject to board review. For example, curricular matters and decisions regarding individual faculty appointments, promotions, and contract renewal normally would fall within the delegated decision-making authority of appropriate faculty and administrative entities operating within the framework of policies and delegations of the board.
The Board shall also reserve the right to review and ratify specified academic decisions, as well as proposals to adopt major new academic programs or eliminate others. The board shall set budget guidelines concerning resource allocation on the basis of assumptions, usually developed by the administration, that are widely communicated to interested stakeholders and subject to ample opportunity for challenge. But the board shall not delegate the determination of the overall resources available for planning and budgetary purposes. Once the board makes these overarching decisions, it shall delegate resource-allocation decisions to the President who may, in turn delegate to others.
In all instances in which the board believes resources will need to be reallocated in ways that will lead to reducing or eliminating some programs, the board shall ask the administration to create a process for decision making that includes full consultation, clear and explicit criteria, and full communication with stakeholder groups. The board shall recognize that institutional consensus is more likely when all parties have agreed on the process and criteria. If, for example, the board decides the institution is in such financial jeopardy that faculty and staff reductions and reallocations are necessary, it first will consult the stakeholders, then share the information and describe the analysis that led them to make such a determination. - The Board and the President will establish deadlines for the conclusion of various consultative and decision-making processes with the clear understanding that failure to act in accordance with these deadlines will mean that the next higher level in the governance process may choose to act. While respecting the sometimes lengthy processes of academic governance, an individual or group shall not be empowered to impede decisions through inaction.
- The President is the board’s major window on the institution, and the board will expect both candor and sufficient information from the President. In turn, the board will support the President, while ensuring that the voices of other stakeholders are heard.
- Governing boards have the sole responsibility to appoint and assess the performance of the President. The selection and support of the President is the most important exercise of board responsibility. The Board will assess the President’s performance on an annual basis for progress toward attainment of goals and objectives, as well as for compensation review purposes, and more comprehensively every several years in consultation with other stakeholder groups, as the board may deem appropriate. In assessing the President’s performance, the Boards will bear in mind that board and presidential effectiveness are interdependent. Consequently, the Board will concurrently assess its own performance and that of the President every several years. Performance reviews assisted by qualified third parties can contribute significantly to the professionalism and objectivity of the process.
- There should be a conscious effort to minimize the ambiguous or overlapping areas in which more than one stakeholder group has authority. The respective roles of the administration, faculty, and governing board in faculty appointments, promotions, and tenure illustrate the principle of collaboration. For example, although the board may wish to exert its ultimate responsibility by insisting on approving individual tenure decisions, it might choose to delegate other kinds of actions to the administration, which might, in turn, delegate some authority for some decisions to an appropriate faculty body. Clarity does not preclude gray or overlapping areas of authority, but each group should understand whether its purview, and that of others in the governance process, is determinative or consultative. Moreover, the board and President will ensure the systematic review of all institutional policies over time, including those affecting internal governance.
“Communication,” “consultation,” and “decision making” will be defined and differentiated in board and institutional policies. The Board will communicate their investment and endowment spending policies, for example, but they may choose not to invite consultation on these matters. Student financial-aid policies and broad financial-planning assumptions call for both communication and consultation with stakeholder groups.
College and university governing board membership is one of the most serious and consequential exercises of voluntary leadership in our society. It calls for balancing and sometimes buffering the often-conflicting claims of multiple internal and external stakeholders. It requires good judgment in avoiding becoming managerial while being sufficiently informed to assess management. It calls for listening and questioning more than pronouncing and demanding. Most of all, it requires a commitment to the institution as a whole rather than to any of its parts. Governing board membership is both challenging and enormously rewarding in the service of current and future generations of students and, therefore, the nation’s ultimate well being.0F[1]
[1]Based on AGB Statement on Institutional Governance, approved by the Board of Directors of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, November 8, 1998.
1.6.2 Faculty Senate Constitution of The Faculty Senate of Chaminade University
All full-time faculty members, regardless of tenure or non-tenure status, participate in the Faculty Senate, an organization established for the purpose of discussion of issues and concerns relating to the best interests of the University and its professional academic force. The Faculty Senate meets, at the call of its President, and with the advice of an elected Steering Committee, during regular semesters. Meetings are chaired by the President of the Faculty Senate.
The name of this organization shall be Faculty Senate of Chaminade University of Honolulu (hereinafter called the Senate).
The purpose of this organization shall be to serve the general good of the Chaminade University of Honolulu family and community. The Senate shall be the official voice of the faculty body. It shall have the responsibility, on behalf of the faculty, of considering all proposed changes in the policies of the University and it may also initiate suggestions for changes in policy. It may also recommend policy changes to the President of the University, who may forward them for consideration to the Board of Regents or to other appropriate agencies in the University. “Policy” here means general rules for the conduct of the University, its faculty, student body or administration, so far as they affect any of the following:
a. the purposes and goals of the University;
b. the nature and scope of curricula and programs;
- standards of teaching, research, and scholarship;
- finances;
- community relations.
The Senate, furthermore, may consider and recommend specific means of ensuring the continuance of academic freedom at the University.
The Faculty Senate, through its representation on the Planning Priorities and Assessment Advisory Council, shall participate in planning, priority setting, fiscal policy, and community relations issues from that Council.
The Faculty Senate shall have the power to adopt bylaws for its operations which shall include officers, meetings, and committees as necessary so long as they are not in conflict with this constitution or the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the University.
An amendment to this constitution may be made by approval of two-thirds of the membership of the Faculty Senate present at a meeting of the Senate. The Steering Committee shall prepare the format for the recommended revision or amendments. Any member with voting privileges may suggest such revisions. The Steering Committee shall circulate a proposed revision or amendment to each voting member, the President of the University and Chair of the Board of Regents at least 21 calendar days prior to the final action. An amendment is considered in effect when also approved by the President and the Board of Regents of the University. Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of Chaminade University
Section 1. All full-time faculty members are members of the Senate. Full-time membership is defined in the Faculty Manual.
Section 2. Part-time faculty who are not engaged in administration shall be allowed to participate without vote.
Section 3. Professors Emeriti shall be invited to attend and participate, but not vote.
Section 4. Faculty not covered in Sections 1, 2, and 3, may petition individually for full membership in the Senate.
Section 5. Persons other than faculty shall not be allowed to attend Senate meetings without an invitation.
Section 1. The Steering Committee shall be charged with the administration of the election of the President and President-Elect of the Faculty Senate (hereinafter called the President or President-Elect respectively). The election of the President and/or President-Elect as needed shall take place in the second week of March. If both must be elected, the President shall be elected first, followed by a special election for the President-Elect in the third week of March. The Steering Committee shall solicit nominations from the members of the Faculty Senate through a mailbox ballot or other secure elections software as approved by the Steering Committee. The three faculty receiving the most votes cast on the nomination ballot will, after their acceptance of the nomination, be placed on an election ballot and voted on by the Senate. The faculty member receiving the most votes in the election will be President or President-Elect as appropriate. The term shall begin no later than May 16, and continue for one year.
Section 2. All full-time tenured members of the faculty, except Divisional Deans and those who will present themselves for a promotion decision during the coming year, shall be eligible to serve as President or President elect.
Section 3. The President shall receive a reduction in teaching responsibilities of 6 credit hours per year. During the term of office the President shall be considered a full-time member of the faculty and thus retain all rights and benefits accorded the faculty.
Section 4. The duties of the President shall be as follows:
- The President shall serve as the only fully accredited spokesperson for the Senate, and shall be accountable to the Senate.
- The President of the Faculty Senate, in concert with the President of the University and Chair of the Board of Regents, shall determine the faculty nominations to standing committees of the Board of Regents. The President of the Senate may choose to become a member of any of these committees.
- The President shall regularly consult with and periodically report to the Senate.
- In concert with the Steering Committee, the President shall determine the agenda of all Faculty Senate meetings.
- The President, with the Steering Committee, shall serve as a coordinator of the work of Faculty Senate committees.
- The President shall establish and monitor all agreements with the administration concerning the faculty’s responsibility and right to recommend on all issues concerning the University.
Section 5. The President and/or the President-Elect may be recalled if one-quarter of the voting faculty presents a petition to the Steering Committee. A referendum will be held within one week of the presentation to determine the faculty’s confidence in the President. The President shall be removed from office by a vote of two-thirds of the eligible faculty, but only after an opportunity to present a defense before the Faculty Senate.
Section 6. President-Elect: The faculty shall elect a President-Elect who will fulfill the President’s duties in the absence of the President, and as required may represent the President at all official functions. With the conclusion of the President’s term, the President-Elect shall automatically become President. The President-Elect shall serve for one year beginning May 16.
- The President-Elect is a member of the Steering Committee.
- Immediately upon acceptance of the President-Elect’s resignation by the Steering Committee, or inability to complete the term of office, the Steering Committee will call a special election for a replacement. This replacement will serve the remainder of the President-Elect’s current term, and become President at the conclusion of the President’s term.
Section 7. Past-President: After May 16 the current President may invite the Past President to serve on the Steering Committee for the next academic year as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Section 8. Faculty Senate Secretary: The Faculty Senate Secretary is appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate.
Section 1. The Steering Committee shall be elected by the Senate and shall serve as an advisory body to the President of the Senate. Elections shall be held in the first week in April by mailbox ballot or other secure election software as approved by the Steering Committee. A week’s notice shall be given that elections are to be held. Five members and two alternates shall be elected from the Senate by a simple majority of the members voting. All full-time faculty, except Divisional Deans, shall be eligible for election to the Steering Committee.
Section 2. The term of office shall begin May 16, and shall continue for two years.
Re-election is possible.
- The Faculty Senate will elect all five members of the Steering Committee.
- Two members of the Steering Committee will be elected in even years. Three members will be elected in odd years,
- Two alternates will be elected each year and will fill the remainder of the term of the regular member they may replace.
Section 1. Members of the following standing committees shall be selected by the Steering Committee from the Faculty Senate and shall function under the direction of the President of the Senate. Policies and procedures of these committees shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the membership of the Faculty Senate present at a meeting of the Senate.
The number of faculty to serve on each committee shall be determined by the Steering Committee.
Committee members shall serve two year terms. Reappointment is possible.
- Faculty Compensation and Budget Committee. (For duties and responsibilities of this Committee, see
- Handbook Committee. (For duties and responsibilities of this Committee, see
- Faculty Development Committee. (For duties and responsibilities of this Committee, see
- Academic Policy and Planning Committee. (For duties and responsibilities of this Committee, see
Section 2. Ad-hoc committees shall be formed as needed.
Section 3. Members to the following standing committees shall be elected for two years from the membership of the Faculty Senate. All full-time tenured faculty, except Divisional Deans, the President-elect and serving members of the Steering Committee shall be eligible for selection or election to these committees. Non-tenured faculty may serve on the General Education Committee. After the regular members of these Committees are determined according to the number of votes each has received, the next two highest vote recipients will serve as alternatives and will fill the remainder of the term of the regular member they may replace. Should a third (or more) alternate by needed, the next highest vote recipient will serve as that alternate.
With the exception of the General Education Committee, a faculty member shall serve on only one Faculty Senate elected standing committee at a time. Members of the Senate who will be completing the second year of their terms will not be placed on any of the Standing Committee ballots, except the General Education Committee at large representatives ballot.
The election process will be:
a. The Rank and Tenure Committee shall be elected in the second week of April. Newly elected members of the Committee shall not be placed on successive ballots for the current election cycle. Alternates will be included on successive ballots. (For details of this committee, see
- The Peer Review of Tenured Faculty Committee shall be elected in the third week of April. Newly elected members of the Committee shall not be placed on successive ballots for the current election cycle. Alternates will be included on successive ballots. (For details of this committee, see
c. The Grievance Review Committee shall be elected in the fourth week of April. (For details of this committee, see
d. The selection process of the divisional representatives to the General Education Committee shall begin by the second week of April and be reported to the Steering Committee by the end of the third week of April. The three at large representatives will be elected in the fourth week of April. All eligible faculty shall be included in the ballot, except those who will be serving as divisional representatives. (For duties and responsibilities of this committee, see
Section 1. There shall be a regular meeting each month of the school year (from September through April). The day and time and place of the monthly meeting shall be at the discretion of the Faculty Senate President.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Faculty Senate President as needed, provided written notice of the proposed special meeting has been given to each member at least one week prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Forty percent of the general membership shall constitute a quorum, rounded to the nearest whole number. Proxy votes shall not be accepted.
a. Any critical issue with a potential for wide-ranging consequences shall be submitted to a mailbox ballot.
Section 4. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall guide the Faculty Senate President and govern proceedings in all cases not provided for in these bylaws.
a. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian from the membership who possesses a strong parliamentary background.
Section 5. The following are the committee and task-force operating procedures
- A committee chair should be appointed by committee vote. If the committee does not elect a chair within 30 calendar days of the start of the academic year, the President of the Faculty Senate, with the approval of the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, may appoint a chair from among the committee members. The chair of the committee is responsible for calling and presiding over meetings. A faculty member shall be a chair of only one committee
- Adequate advance notice should be given for meetings, with clear information about time and place. The notice should be in writing if possible.
- Individual committee members should notify their chair ahead of time if they are unable to attend a scheduled meeting. Attendance, or more specifically, non-attendance, at meetings will be reflected in faculty dossiers.
- Committee meetings should not proceed without a quorum of committee members. A committee quorum is a simple majority of members.
- The Steering committee liaison person is the link between the committee and the steering committee. The liaison person does not have the right to vote.
- In the case where there is a question or issue about procedural matters in the way the committee operates, Robert’s Rules should be referred to (a copy resides in our library), or the question or issue should be referred to the Steering Committee for resolution.
- In situations where there is some disagreement within the committee, a vote should be called to resolve the matter at hand. A successful vote represents an agreement by simple majority of committee members present. Only bona fide committee members should take part in the vote.
- Although the keeping of detailed minutes is onerous and unnecessary, some record of attendance, business conducted and decisions made should be kept.
- Committee recommendations and findings should be referred back to the Faculty Senate at the monthly meetings; brought directly to the Steering Committee; or acted on directly, depending on the nature of the required action.
Section 1. These bylaws shall be amended by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting at any meeting of the general membership, providing written notice of the proposed amendment has been given to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting, and a quorum is present.
1.6.3 Chaminade Student Government Association CSGA Constitution
We, the students of Chaminade University of Honolulu, in order to establish a representative government for the purposes of improving the general student welfare, encouraging initiative and responsibility, and facilitating communication between students, faculty, staff, and administration, representing the general membership on University concerns, do establish this Constitution.
The name of this organization is the Chaminade Student Government Association (CSGA).
Section A. CSGA shall represent the general membership on issues concerning general student welfare to the faculty, staff, and administration of Chaminade University of Honolulu.
Section B. CSGA shall provide regular communication to the general membership on issues and information concerning general student welfare.
Section A. The CSGA shall have the power to adopt Bylaws for its operations, which shall include officers, meetings, and committees as necessary so long as they are not in conflict with this Constitution or other University policy or procedure, as detailed in any part of the University Policy Manual.
Section A. The purpose of this organization shall be to serve the general good of the students of Chaminade University of Honolulu. The CSGA shall be the official voice of the general membership. It shall have the responsibility, on behalf of the membership, of offering input and opinion on proposed changes -in the policies of the University, which impact the students, and it may also initiate suggestions for changes in policy. It may also recommend in the name of the membership policy changes to the President of the University, who then may forward them for consideration to the Board of Regents or to-other appropriate Governing bodies of the University. “Policy” here means general rules for the conduct of the University as they pertain to, or affect, students.
Section A. The CSGA membership consists of the Allocations Board, the Executive Board, the Programming Board, and the Legislative Branch of the CSGA.
Section B. The General Student Membership (General Membership) is made up of all students paying the student activity fee. These students are automatically represented by the CSGA.
Section A. Initiative
1. An act of legislation or an amendment to the Constitution or its Bylaws may be introduced to the C SGA by a petition of one hundred (100) members of the general membership.
Section B. Referendum
1. A decision of the CSGA on an act of legislation or an amendment to the Constitution or its Bylaws may be overruled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the general membership voting in an election for that purpose. A petition of ten percent (10%) of the general membership would be needed to call such an election.
Section C. Amendment Process
1. Any voting member of CSGA may propose an amendment to these Bylaws by submitting the amendment, in writing, to the Executive Board.
2. The Executive Board, at its next meeting, shall decide by majority vote whether the amendment is valid and should be placed before the Legislature.
3. If passed by the Executive Board, the President of the CSGA shall present the proposed amendment to the Legislature, where it will be tabled until the next meeting of the Legislature. The Vice President of Communications shall publicize the motion to the general membership.
4. The proposed amendment, after preliminary presentation to the Executive Board, shall be placed before the CSGA membership where a two-thirds majority of those present and voting in the Legislature shall pass the amendment.
5. Any amendment approved under this article shall then be submitted to the University President. If approved by the President, the amendment is passed to the legislature for implementation.
6. The approved amendment shall become effective at the time deemed appropriate and established by the Legislature at the time of its passage.
A. Upon recommendation from the Presidential Student Government Task Force, the President of the University will review the documents and approve them for student review. Following a successful referendum by the general membership, the documents are sent back to the President of the University and the Board of Regents for final approval. The Constitution and related documents go into effect one day after approval by the Board of Regents. Chaminade Student Government Association Bylaws
Section A. The Chaminade Student Government Association (CSGA) shall consist of four branches, Allocations, Executive, Programming, and Legislative, referred to herein as the CSGA. The Executive Branch shall consist of seven (7) officers: the President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President of Internal Affairs, Vice-President of Finance, Vice-President of Communications, the Vice-President of Programming, House of Representatives Chair, and the Advisor. The Legislative branch shall consist of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Section A. The Executive Branch shall function as a liaison between the University Administration and student body. The Executive Branch shall be referred to herein as the Executive Board and consist of all members of the Executive Branch.
Section B. The Executive Board members are required to convene at least weekly in order to accomplish the following:
- Coordinate, compile, and inform the General membership of CSGA committee efforts.
- At least once a semester sponsor a forum on a student welfare topic. Include University administrators and faculty to participate.
- Abide by all provisions of the Constitution and, if necessary, propose interpretations of the Constitution, for ratification by the legislative branch.
- Conduct the general business of the organization.
5. Nominate, from the CSGA membership, for participation on select standing committees as needed.
Section C. Prior to the start of each academic year, the Executive Board will participate in a leadership development program. The program is arranged in cooperation with the Director of Student Activities and funded by the CSGA.
Section A. Selection
1. The President shall be elected by the general membership as indicated in article (VII) of these Bylaws.
Section B. Responsibilities and duties.
1. In concert with the Executive Board, the President shall determine the agenda of the Executive Board meetings.
2. The President, along with the Executive Board, shall serve as a coordinator of all work rendered by the standing committees.
3. The President shall establish and monitor all agreements with the administration, concerning the CSGA’s responsibility and right to recommend and deliberate on all student issues concerning the University.
4. The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Student Government, and is accountable to the CSGA leadership for remarks made.
5. The President shall regularly consult with and periodically report to the Chaminade Student Government Association.
6. The President shall chair the Executive Board.
7. The President, after receiving the approval of the Executive Board, has the authority to act on any decision made in legislature, allocations board or programming board, if he/she judges the action unjust or not in the best interest of the students. This authority is limited to the power to veto, and does not include the ability to approve an action that is reserved to another branch of student government.
8. The President shall sit, as a representative, on the University’s Planning Priorities and Assessment Advisory Council (UPAC).
9. Contingent upon approval of the Committee Chair, the President shall sit on the Academic Affairs Committee of the University Board of Regents.
10. The President shall chair the CSGA Academic Affairs Standing Committee.
Section A. Selection
1. Selection of the Executive Vice-President shall be done in accordance to the election process outlined for the President of the CSGA.
Section B. Responsibilities and duties
1. The Executive-Vice President shall serve in the President’s absence as chair at any Executive Board meetings.
2. The Executive Vice-President shall serve in the President’s absence as coordinator of any Executive Board meetings.
3. In the event that the President is recalled, the Executive Vice-President shall serve as interim President until such a time as a CSGA election can be held to select a new President.
4. The Executive Vice-President may be designated by the President to represent the President at functions to which the President is invited, as the President deems appropriate.
5. The Executive Vice-President shall serve as Chair of the Senate.
6. The Executive Vice-President, along with the Executive Board, shall be responsible for maintaining and updating all CSGA guidelines as necessary.
7. Contingent upon approval of the Committee Chair, The Executive Vice-President shall sit as an observer on the Student Affairs Committee of the University Board of Regents.
8. The Executive Vice-President shall chair the CSGA Student Welfare Standing Committee.
Section A. Selection
- Selection of the Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall be done in accordance to an application process carried out by the CSGA President and Executive Vice-President.
Section B. Responsibilities and Duties
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall collect the minutes of each and every CSGA meeting, distribute copies to all officers, and make copies available for the Chaminade community.
2. The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for maintaining the filing system used by the CSGA.
3. The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall oversee all CSGA attendance.
a. Every two CSGA Executive Board meetings the attendance must be reviewed.
b. The results of this review must be included in the next available minutes.
4. The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall review all CSGA minutes as Parliamentarian Officer for CSGA.
5. The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall keep a detailed record to be submitted into the filing system of all CSGA activities.
6. The Vice-President of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for the enforcement of guidelines outlined within the Student Organizational Handbook.
Section A. Selection
The Vice-President of Finance shall be elected by the general membership as indicated in article (VII) of these Bylaws.
Section B. Responsibilities / Duties
- The Vice-President of Finance shall facilitate and keep records of all financial transactions within the CSGA.
- Give a semesterly financial report to the legislative branch and the Director of Student Activities. The report is available to the University community upon request.
- Serve as the Allocations Board Chair.
- To prepare a consolidated financial report showing income, expenses and balances of the CSGA, CSAB, and CSPB for presentation at the student forum. The report is submitted to the Director of Student Activities and Leadership and is available to the University community upon request.
- Prepare an annual consolidated financial report at the conclusion of each academic year for the Director of Student Activities and the business office.
- Ensure that proper procedures are followed with regards to CSGA finances.
Section A. Selection
The Vice-President of Programming shall be elected by the general membership as indicated in article (VII) of these Bylaws.
Section B. Responsibilities / Duties
- The Vice- President of Programming shall serve as the Programming Board Chair.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall sit as a voting member of the Executive Board.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall vote only in the event of a tie within Programming Board meetings.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall also chair the CSPB Commencement Ball Committee.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall be responsible for the appointment of a Recorder selected from the CSPB.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall serve as a member of and attend all CSGA Communications Committee meetings.
- The Vice-President of Programming shall be responsible for maintaining and updating all Programming Board guidelines as necessary.
Section A. Selection
1. Selection of the Vice-President of Communications shall be done in accordance to an application process carried out by the CSGA President and Executive Vice-President.
Section B. Responsibilities / Duties
1. The Vice-President of Communications shall inform the Chaminade community of all CSGA meeting dates, times, and locations.
2. The Vice-President of Communications shall have the responsibility of informing all concerned parties of decisions made during CSGA meetings.
3. The Vice-President of Communications shall be responsible for all CSGA publications and publicity for meetings and/or events.
4. The Vice-President of Communications shall chair the Communications Committee
- The Vice-President of Communications shall serve as the Public Relations Officer for all internal University sponsored publications.
- The Vice-President of Communications shall be responsible for all formal correspondence concerning CSGA.
Section A. Selection
The House of Representatives Chair shall be elected from the House of Representatives by a process of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the House membership.
Section B. Responsibilities / Duties
1. To convene at least once every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters.
2. To adopt rules of procedure at the beginning of each House of Representative year.
3. To represent the student organizations on all issues of student interest and concern.
4. To form special ad-hoc committees as needed.
5. To consistently strive to update, improve, and create better services and programs of assistance and support to the undergraduate student organizations.
6. To abide by all Constitutional and/or legislative interpretations proposed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Legislature.
7. To hold impeachment hearings against members of the House of Representatives when their conduct is unbecoming of their positions.
8. The House of Representatives Chair shall ensure minutes are taken and submitted to the Vice-President of Internal Affairs in a timely manner.
Section A. Selection
- During the Spring semester, the Executive Board will work with the Dean of Students to develop a list of nominees who have confirmed their willingness to accept the position of advisor. The Executive Board presents the list of CSGA advisor candidates to the general assembly at the first official meeting of the academic year. The Legislature shall elect, by simple majority vote, the advisor. In the event that the CSGA cannot elect a qualified advisor, the Dean of Students shall act as the provisional CSGA advisor until a permanent advisor is appointed.
Section B. Responsibilities and Duties
1. The Advisor shall attend all Executive Board meetings.
2. The Advisor shall be a nonvoting member of CSGA.
3. The Advisor shall meet with the CSGA executive officers for the following purposes:
a. To discuss organizational roles.
b. To discuss financial status of organization.
c. To discuss internal organizational difficulties.
- To assist the officers with their resolutions.
4. The Advisor shall assist in orienting new officers and development of leadership skills.
5. The Advisor shall be familiar with the CSGA Constitution and its Bylaws and assist with their interpretations when called upon.
6. The Advisor shall be familiar with the financial records of the CSGA.
7. The Advisory position is open to periodic and mutual review by both the CSGA membership and the Advisor.
8. The Advisor shall work with the Dean of Students, or Designee, to coordinate efforts.
Section A. The Legislative Branch shall consist of two chambers: The Senate and the House of Representatives. The Legislative Branch will
- Not allow members to hold dual offices in both chambers.
- Act as the official representatives of their constituents.
- Convene, in joint session with the Executive Board, on the first regularly scheduled meeting of each new month as it pertains to the regular academic calendar.
- Approve Legislation by a simple majority.
- Approve appropriations by a simple majority
- Have the power to override the veto of the president by two-thirds majority vote
- Have for each respective chamber a chair who will: a. Preside over meetings when in split sessions b. Verify new membership c. Be responsible for keeping accurate attendance records d. Cast deciding votes in case of a tie e. Carry out additional duties as requested by the President
8. Appoint representatives and alternates from each respective chamber by simple majority vote to the following University committees in consultation with the committee chairs. The nominees will be determined and provided by the Executive Board. All committee members must be in good judicial standing at the University and hold a minimum 2.5 GPA at the time of appointment and during the entire term of office.
Group A. Student Welfare Committee (CSGA delegates)
University Student Welfare
Group B. Academic Advising Committee (CSGA delegates)
Educational Life
Section A. The Senate shall be comprised of 2 elected students from each undergraduate class (2 freshmen, 2 sophomores, 2 juniors, 2 seniors), 1 appointed RHA Senator, 1 elected commuter Senator, 1 elected on-campus Residential Senator, 1 elected off-campus Residential Senator, and 1 Senator- at-large Senator. The Senate is to represent the needs, interests, and desires of their specific class and majors, as well as to serve CSGA by membership on standing and ad-hoc committees. The CSGA Executive Vice-President chairs the Senate.
Section B. Responsibilities of the Senate
1. To convene at least every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters.
2. To adopt rules of procedure at the beginning of each Senate year.
3. To represent the general membership on all issues of student interest and concern.
4. To form special ad-hoc committees as needed.
5. To consistently strive to update, improve, and create better services and programs of assistance and support to the student members.
6. To abide by all Constitutional and/or legislative interpretations proposed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Legislature.
7. To serve as a member of at least one CSGA standing committee.
8. To appoint all remaining Senators that do not already serve on a designated standing committee.
9. To hold -impeachment hearings against members of the Senate when their conduct is unbecoming of their positions in accordance with the impeachment process outlined in Article X of these Bylaws.
Section A. The House of Representatives shall be comprised of one (1) appointed Representative from each recognized CUH student club and organization and one (1) appointed designee in the event that the first representative cannot carry out all the duties of the position. The House of Representatives shall represent the needs, interests, and desires of their specific organizations, as well as to serve CSGA by membership on standing and ad-hoc committees. The chair of the House of Representatives is elected by a process of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the House membership.
Section B. Responsibilities of the House of Representatives
1. To convene at least once every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters.
2. To adopt rules of procedure at the beginning of each House of Representative year.
3. To represent the student organizations on all issues of student interest and concern.
4. To form special ad-hoc committees as needed.
5. To consistently strive to update, improve, and create better services and programs of assistance and support to the undergraduate student organizations.
6. To abide by all Constitutional and/or legislative interpretations proposed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Legislature.
7. To hold impeachment hearings against members of the House of Representatives when their conduct is unbecoming of their positions in compliance with the Impeachment process outlined in Article X of these Bylaws.
8. Shall vote in two (2) members of the House of Representatives to serve as Allocations Board members from the House of Representatives by majority vote.
Section A. The CSGA shall maintain, but not be limited to, three standing committees and as many ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of CSGA. Each member of the Legislature shall serve on at least one of the standing committees, or sub-committees during the member’s tenure in office.
Section B. Standing Committees
1. Standing committees operate with the oversight of the CSGA, which maintains final prerogative in approving or disapproving a committee’s chosen- course of action.
2. Membership on standing committees shall be open to the general membership; however, voting rights within committees are reserved for elected or appointed members of the Legislature.
3. Student Welfare Committee (CSGA)
a. The Student Welfare Committee shall be chaired by the Executive Vice-President.
b. Role of the Chair of Student Welfare.
(1) To schedule and preside over regular meetings of the Student Welfare Committee.
(2) To be accountable to the CSGA Executive Board for all efforts undertaken by this committee.
(3) To have the power of veto over any Student Welfare Committee effort. The Legislature may override a veto with a two-thirds vote.
(4) To assure that minutes are kept of all Student Welfare Committee meetings, and are on file with the Vice-President of Internal Affairs in a timely manner.
c. Functions of the Student Welfare Committee
(1) To convene at least monthly during fall and spring semesters.
(2) To research and recommend appropriate remedies to any identified concerns or unmet needs by the general membership in areas of: tuition, disciplinary procedures, student grievances, parking, food service, security and safety, book store, student affairs, health issues, inter-student conflicts, general non-academic-related improvements to campus.
(3) To function within all University policies and regulations.
(4) To provide pre-appointed delegates to designated University committees on behalf of the CSGA.
4. Academic Affairs Committee
a. The Academic Affairs Committee shall be chaired by the CSGA President.
b. Role of the Chair of Academic Affairs.
(1) To schedule and preside over regular meetings of the Academic Affairs Committee.
(2) To be accountable to the CSGA Executive Board for all efforts undertaken by this committee.
(3) To have the power of veto over any Committee effort. The Legislature may override a veto with a two-thirds vote.
(4) To assure that minutes are kept of all Academic Affairs Committee meetings, and are on file with the Vice President of Internal Affairs in a timely manner.
c. Functions of the Academic Affairs Committee
(1) To convene at least monthly during fall and spring semesters.
(2) To research and recommend appropriate remedies to any identified concerns or unmet needs by the general membership regarding: academic departments, computer support on campus, study abroad programs, internship programs, interdisciplinary opportunities, library services, and faculty.
(3) To function within all University policies and regulations.
(4) To provide pre-appointed delegates to designated University committees on behalf of the CSGA.
5. Communications Committee
- The Vice-President of Communications shall chair the Communications Committee.
b. Role of the Chair of Communications.
(1) To schedule and preside over regular meetings of the Communications Committee.
(2) To be accountable to the CSGA Executive Board for all efforts undertaken by this committee.
(3) To have the power of veto over any Communications Committee effort. The Legislature may override a veto with a two-thirds vote.
(4) To assure minutes are kept of all Communications Committee meetings, and are on file with the Vice-President of Internal Affairs of the CSGA in a timely manner.
c. Communications Committee Membership
(1) Voting privileges for this committee are extended to the CSGA Vice-President of Internal Affairs (1), Vice-President of Finance (1), Vice-President of Programming (1), Vie-President of Communications (1), and the Senator-At-Large (special appointment).
d. Functions of the Communications Committee.
(1) To convene at least monthly during the fall and spring semesters.
(2) To insure all official minutes of CSGA are maintained in a neat and orderly fashion.
(3) To serve as the publicity arm of CSGA to the Chaminade community, informing them of efforts undertaken, results gained, programs and services being planned, meetings to be held, etc.
(4) To function within all University policies and regulations.
(5) To constantly investigate ways of better improving communication between all Chaminade community constituencies, including: recognition of student accomplishments, student publications, surveys, publicity, minutes, CSGA elections, ways of better establishing/maintaining a sense of “community” within the campus.
(6) To work closely with the University Public Relations and Student Affairs offices in achieving all maximum impact in its efforts.
Section B. Ad-Hoc Committees
1. The Legislature may, if deemed necessary, form ad-hoc committees to address areas not already covered by the standing committees.
2. Ad-hoc committees operate with the oversight of the Executive Board, which maintains final prerogative in approving or disapproving a committee’s chosen course of actions. The chairperson for an ad-hoc committee shall be proposed by the Executive Board and confirmed or rejected by a majority of the Legislature.
Section A. Qualifications for holding office
1. All voting members of the CSGA must be in good judicial standing at the University and hold a minimum of a 2.50 grade point average upon election to office, and must continuously maintain their cumulative grade point average a 2.50 during their entire term of office.
2. New students who are elected to office are exempt from the minimum 2.50 grade point average requirement upon election, but must maintain a minimum of 2.50 grade point average beginning with their second academic semester.
3. Unexcused absence from two general CSGA meetings, or two committee meetings within a semester may terminate that student’s voting membership from CSGA. Allocations, Programming, Legislative and/or Executive members must notify the Vice President of Internal Affairs prior to the CSGA meeting if they will not be present at an upcoming meeting.
Section B. Special Qualifications for Appointed Positions
1. Qualifications for Vice-President of Internal Affairs
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should have past administrative experience.
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should have a basic knowledge of CSGA.
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should have a basic knowledge of computer systems.
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should be able to meet deadlines.
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should possess solid interpersonal and organizational skills.
- The Vice-President of Internal Affairs should be of Sophomore standing or above.
2. Qualifications for the Vice President of Communications
a. The Vice-President of Communications should have journalism experience.
b. The Vice-President of Communications should be of Sophomore standing or above.
c. The Vice-President of Communications should have basic computer skills.
d. The Vice-President of Communications should posses’ solid interpersonal and organizational skills.
Section C. Elections
Operational procedures of the election process are the responsibility of the Vice-President of Communications in conjunction with the Vice-President of Internal Affairs, and must be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. Petitions for elections
a. Petition forms shall be made available no later that the first week following spring break to all students interested in running for office.
b. Petition forms for members from the freshman class must be available within the first three weeks of the academic year.
c. Completed petitions must include the candidate’s name, the position for which the candidate wishes to run, and the signature of at least 25 full-time Chaminade students in the candidate’s class or designated areas who, by signing, endorse the nomination. There is no limit as to how many candidates a student may endorse.
d. Only students who have paid the CSGA student fee are eligible to sign the petitions or run for office.
e. Petitions for Class or designated positions are based upon anticipated class standing and/or designation at the time of the assumption of the position. At the time the new CSGA is convened, actual class standings will be checked to assure compliance with the class level and/or designation for which the person was elected.
f. No more than one week shall pass between the time that petitions are available to potential candidates and the due date to submit completed forms.
2. Campus-wide elections
The following is a complete list of positions for which the CSGA will hold elections:
a. CSGA President and CSGA Executive Vice-President (joint ticket)
b. CSGA Vice-President of Finance
c. Eight (8) CSGA Class Senators
d. One (1) Commuter Senator
e. One (1) At-large Senator
f. Vice-President of Programming
g. Four (4) Student Representatives to the Chaminade Student Programming Board
h. Two (2) Allocations Board Members
i. One (1) On-Campus Residential Senator
j. One (1) Off-Campus Residential Senator
k. One (1) Commuter Senator
(1) Within two weeks of the deadline to submit petitions, elections shall be held for all positions. Elections are to be conducted by secret ballot with only the candidates who have submitted petitions listed on the ballots. Write-in candidates are not permitted.
(2) Campus wide elections shall be held over the course of a minimum of two consecutive days in accordance with regularly scheduled classes
(3) In the case of an election where a position is running unopposed, the position must receive the votes of at least half plus one the total number of ballots cast in the election
(4) Results from each position shall be determined by a plurality of all votes cast, and announced within two school days of the election.
3. Selection of Representatives to the House
a. Members of the House of Representatives are appointed by each registered student club or organization in April, or at the first fall meeting of the club or organization. In the event that any position becomes open for any reason during the course of the year, the club or organization must also appoint a second designee to fill the position.
Section A. One-half plus one (1/2 +1) of the committee membership, for committee meetings, shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of official business. Quorum must be maintained throughout the meeting.
Section B. One-half plus one (1/2 +1) of the Legislature shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of official business at CSGA meeting. Quorum must be maintained throughout the meeting.
Section C. One-half plus one (1/2+1) of total members of the Senate shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of official business at a Senate meeting. Quorum must be maintained throughout the meeting.
Section D. One-quarter plus one (1/4+1) of the House of Representatives shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of official business. Quorum must be maintained throughout the meeting.
Section E. Any business necessitating immediate action may be transacted by the Executive Board. Any such business must be reported at the next Legislative meeting and the next appropriate CSGA meeting, along with the rationale for why the item acted upon could not wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the appropriate body.
Section F. The ABC’s of Parliamentary Procedures (Copyright 1974, Channing L. Bete Co. booklet number 18258J-8-92), which is available in the Student Affair’s Office shall guide the President and govern proceedings in all cases not provided for in these Bylaws.
Section A. The Legislature may amend the student activity fee assessed to all day undergraduate students at any time through three-fourths vote of all eligible student senators. If passed, this goes to the President of the University and the Board of Regents for approval. If approved, the fee modification goes into effect during the billing cycle of the next applicable academic year.
Section B. A petition signed by 100 general members shall require that any fee modifications be placed to a school-wide referendum of all general members.
Impeachment of any Committee member or CSGA representative may be effected in either of two ways:
Section A. Impeachment through internal channels
1. Any voting member may bring to the attention of the Executive Board, in writing, the need for dismissal of any other voting member.
2. The member in question must be notified of the charges and pending action and granted a hearing before the Legislature if the person so desires. The person shall not be permitted to take part in the deliberations on the charges.
3. The Legislature will then vote on the matter. A two-thirds majority of the total CSGA membership voting is necessary for the dismissal action to carry.
4. If the charges are against the President, the Executive Vice President shall chair the Legislature during the time of the hearings.
Section B. Impeachment Requested by the General membership
1. The general membership may call for consideration of dismissal against any elected officer by presenting to any member of the Executive Board a petition signed by 35 full-time Chaminade students, calling for the impeachment of that officer.
2. If such a petition is presented, the matter goes directly to the Legislature, where a two-thirds majority of all members voting is necessary for the dismissal action to carry, after following the procedures in Section A.2, above.
3. If the charges are against the President, the Executive Vice-President shall chair the Legislature during the time of the hearings.
Section A. In the event that it becomes necessary to fill an unexpected, or untimely, vacated position, by following the procedures outlined in this article, the position may be filled.
Section B. The Executive Board may call an emergency session of the Legislature for the purpose of resolving the matter through an appropriate course of action. A course of action is determined by the nature of the position needing to be filled, in regards to whether the interim position was determined by an election, appointment, or application process.
Section C. Emergency Appointments
1. The Executive Board shall recommend, from a list of qualified applicants, an appropriate delegate that will serve out the remaining term in the interim position.
2. The recommendation shall be presented to the Legislature, where a simple majority vote will be conducted.
3. Upon completion of the vote, the newly appointed interim applicant shall be recognized by the Legislature and the results shall be posted for University wide review.
4. The newly appointed interim official shall attend the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting where he or she will take on the duties and responsibilities of the position.
Section D. Emergency Elections
1. Once the elected position has been vacated, the Communications Standing Committee shall convene to produce an abbreviated schedule for the interim election. The Communications Standing Committee will be given (5) five regular school days from the time the position has been vacated, to submit their schedule to the Legislature.
2. The Legislature shall convene, in a special session, at the earliest possible date, to review the Communications Committee’s proposed schedule.
3. Pending review by the Legislature, the Communications Committee shall make available to the general membership the appropriate forms to begin the interim election process.
4. All deadlines shall be predetermined by the Communications Committee, and its members shall take the necessary steps to publicize the election.
5. Once the election has been conducted and the results have been tallied, the Communications Committee Chair shall report the results to the Executive Board Chair and post the results for the University.
6. The newly elected interim official shall be recognized at the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting where he or she will take on the duties and responsibilities of the position.
7. The entire interim election process should carry on no longer than (3) three regularly scheduled weeks in an academic semester. If the interim elections are not carried out within the (3) three weeks of the scheduled review by the Legislature, the Executive Board shall take the necessary steps in filling the vacated position by conducting an emergency appointment.
Section A. Upon election or appointment, a Legislative or Executive member has an obligation to represent the students who placed that person into office. They are accountable for their decisions, as representatives of the general membership, and should not use their professional status as representatives of the students for selfish or unworthy motives.
Section B. Student representatives must conduct themselves in a manner which follows campus guidelines.
1. The CSGA office is a privilege designated for official business.
a. The office is a substance-free area. Any violation will be sent to the Dean of Students and Student Legislature to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
b. Taking, borrowing, or stealing is not permitted.
c. Fighting of any kind is unacceptable. Any physical contact will result in the total loss of office privileges and removal from the CSGA by means of internal impeachment outlined in Article X of these Bylaws. Any further action will be left up to the discretion of the Dean of Students.
2. As an official member of the CSGA, no more than two unexcused absences each academic year (fall to spring) will be tolerated. More than two unexcused absences will result in the immediate removal from the CSGA.
3. A percentage of the student fees (As presented in the Chaminade Student Allocation Board by-laws), is allocated for the use of CSGA and shall not be used for any non-CSGA purpose. Any violation of this is seen as a severe violation of the Code of Ethics and will be directed to the Dean of Students and investigated to the fullest extent followed by appropriate action(s).
Section A. Any amendments to these Bylaws will be made in accordance to the process defined in Article (VI) of the CSGA Constitution
1.6.4 Chaminade Student Allocation Board CSAB Constitution
Section A. The students of Chaminade University of Honolulu have constituted a Student Allocation Board to allocate, monitor, and audit, where necessary, the use of Student Activity Fees by registered student clubs and organizations. The Student Allocation Board will verify fund allocations to the Chaminade Student Government Association (CSGA), Chaminade Student Programming Board (CSPB), and registered clubs and organizations. The Chaminade Student Allocation Board may also recommend to the CSGA increases or decreases in the percent allocation to each body through the process outlined in Article IX in these Bylaws.
Section B. The Student Allocation Board works in close conjunction with the CSGA Executive Board and its Vice-President of Finance, who shall be the Chair of the Chaminade Student Allocation Board and act as liaison for the CSGA Executive Board.
Section A. The name of the organization shall be the Chaminade Student Allocation Board (CSAB).
Section A. The CSAB shall be the allocating body for allocating each semester a set percentage of the student activity fees to the CSGA, CSPB, and all registered student clubs and organizations. It shall monitor the use of such funds and with the Business Office and Director of Student Activities, audit the funds as appropriate or necessary.
Section B. The CSAB may further recommend to the CSGA increases or decreases in the Student Activity Fee through the process outlined in Article IX of these Bylaws.
Section A. The CSGA shall have the power to adopt Bylaws for its operations, which shall include officers, meetings and committees as necessary so long as they are not in conflict with this Constitution or other University policy and procedures, as detailed in any part of the University Policy Manual.
Section A. Initiative
1. An act of legislation or an amendment to the Constitution or its Bylaws may be introduced to the CSGA by a petition of one hundred (100) members of the General Membership.
2. The CSAB may amend its Constitution or Bylaws by following the amendment process outlined in Article VI of the CSGA Constitution. Chaminade Student Allocation Board Bylaws
Section A. The Allocations Board shall be comprised of the CSGA Vice-President of Finance, one (1) faculty member, with vote, appointed by the Faculty Senate, two (2) student members elected at large by the General Membership, two (2) students elected at large by the House of Representatives, and the Director of Student Activities without vote.
1. A Recorder shall be selected from the voting members of the CSAB by the CSAB Chair.
2. All terms of office are for one (1) academic year.
3. Elections are held at the same time as CSGA elections in the spring term.
Section B. Responsibilities and Duties
1. Student Allocation Board Chair
- The CSAB Chair shall schedule and preside over regular meetings of the Student Allocations Board.
- The CSAB Chair shall be accountable to the CSGA Executive Board for all efforts undertaken by the CSAB.
- The CSAB Chair shall have the power of veto over any CSAB effort. The CSAB may override a veto with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
- The CSAB Chair shall assure that minutes are kept of all CSAB meetings and are on file with the Vice-President of Internal Affairs in a timely manner.
- The CSAB Chair shall keep records of all financial transactions of the CSAB.
- Prior to the last regularly scheduled day of class of each semester, the CSAB Chair shall submit a financial report to the Legislative Branch and the Director of Student affairs. The report is made available to the University community upon request.
- The CSAB Chair shall serve as a voting member on the CSAB.
- The CSAB Chair shall serve as a liaison between the CSAB and the Director of Student Activities.
- The CSAB Chair shall ensure that the proper procedures are followed in accordance with the Student Organizational Handbook.
- The CSAB Chair shall provide a financial report at each meeting and/or upon request by the CSGA Vice-President of Finance.
3. Student Allocation Board Recorder
- The Recorder shall record the minutes of each CSAB meeting.
Section A. Meetings of the CSAB shall be held on a schedule determined by the membership, and shall be called to order by the Chair to fulfill the purposes of this committee in a timely manner.
Section A. Emergency Sessions
1. The Student Allocation Board shall meet on call of its chair if pressing and appropriate business needs to be acted upon.
Section B. Quorum
1. One-half plus one (1/2+1) of the total board membership shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of official business of the CSAB. Quorum must be maintained throughout the meeting.
Section A. The CSAB shall, out of each semester’s Student Activity Fee, allocate fifteen percent (15%) of the fee to the CSGA for its operations, fifty percent (50%) to the CSPB, and thirty-five percent (35%) for registered student clubs and organizations.
Section B. The funds allocated for registered clubs and organizations shall be available for disbursement as requested, investigated, and approved by the Student Allocation Board through meetings until all funds are allocated or all requests for funds are fulfilled.
Section A. There shall be no committees of the CSAB, either standing or ad-hoc. The CSAB shall operate as a whole at all times.
Section A. Any voting member may be impeached. The procedure shall follow the same procedure for CSGA member impeachment as outlined in Article X of the Constitution.
Section A. The procedures in the Constitution of the CSAB shall also cover bylaw amendment.
Section A. Allocating Process
1. Prior to the last CSAB meeting of each semester, all student clubs and organizations will receive notification of their eligibility to receive funds for the following semester.
2. Prior to the last club/organization group meeting of each semester, the CSAB will distribute to all eligible student clubs and organizations the following:
- Budget deadlines.
- Outline of allocation process.
- Outline of budget procedures.
- Budget guidelines.
- Fundraising requirements.
- Community service requirements.
3. Budget requests for the following semester will be due by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of classes of the current semester.
4. Income and expenditure reports and account balances for the current semester must be included with the budget request for the following semester.
5. The CSAB Chair shall present each CSAB member with copies of all club budget requests.
6. The CSAB will review each budget request and allocate funds within the first three (3) weeks of each semester and continue to allocate funds until such time that all funds are disbursed.
7. The CSAB Chair shall notify the recognized student clubs and organizations in writing the decision made by the CSAB concerning their budget within one (1) week of the CSAB’s decision.
8. The budget shall include all projected income including fundraising and the specific request for CSAB funding.
Section B. Budget Procedures
1. Any meeting in which voting takes place will be a closed session.
2. Funds shall be allocated based on the club or organization’s ability to comply with the following considerations:
- Number of members in the club.
- Amount of fundraising planned for the budget.
(1) Clubs cannot be penalized for actively fundraising.
- Demonstration of community service, as defined in the Student Organizational Handbook.
- The extent the allocated funds will benefit the General Membership.
- Accurate and organized budget proposals that meet the requested criteria.
3. The following stipulations must be considered when submitting a budget request:
- Any club or organization requesting funds for club-meeting refreshments will be able to receive a maximum amount of $200.00 per semester for this request.
- Any club or organization requesting funds for club T-shirts will be able to receive a maximum amount of $200.00 per semester for this request.
- Monies cannot be used to purchase alcohol or underwrite any portion of the cost of the alcohol (page 10, Chaminade University Student Handbook).
- Past events that have been planned and carried out where legal (university sanctioned) or illegal (non-university sanctioned) drinking of alcohol has occurred will be considered and be used to determine whether or not monies will be allocated.
- Monies allocated to clubs or organizations are not intended, under any circumstances, to be used in the purchase of gifts to club members, advisors, or graduating seniors. If such an incident is discovered, the chair of the club or organization in question shall assume responsibility for the expense and the matter shall be brought before the CSAB to deliberate the need for further disciplinary sanctions against the club or organization.
- Monies allocated to clubs or organizations are not intended, under any circumstances, to be used for capitalistic gains of individuals. Reusable items must stay within the University (reusable items such as, but not limited to t-shirts, lab coats, calculators, uniforms, etc)
4. Each budget proposal shall be voted on.
5. Voting shall be conducted by a show of hands.
6. All votes are passed by majority vote.
7. CSAB members are expected to abstain from votes when they have a conflict of interest.
8. The CSAB has the power to line item veto but must provide an explanation for each change made to the club’s budget.
9. Clubs will receive a written description of the decision made regarding their budget from the Chair within one (1) week of the CSAB meeting.
10. Information presented or discussed at the meetings shall remain confidential.
- All budget materials shall be returned to the Chair.
- Any CSAB member who disregards confidentiality shall be asked to resign from their position and return all materials.
11. The CSAB will be allotted no more then $150 per semester to be utilized within the Bylaws of this Constitution. This money does not roll over.
12. The total account surplus to be rolled over in the CSAB account to the following Semester for distribution should not exceed three percent (3%) of the total initial budget being allocated each semester.
a. The CSAB should allocate as much as possible without breaking any guidelines listed in the subsets of Section B. 3. to registered Clubs and Organizations.
b. After all appeals are complete; if the remaining CSAB balance is greater then three percent (3%) of the original balance the surplus shall be split evenly (50:50) and distributed to the CSGA and CSPB.
Section C. Club Requirements
1. Student clubs and organizations must be registered with the University to receive funds.
- Student club and organization registration forms can be found within the Office of Student Activities and Leadership.
- Each club and organization has the option to submit a budget containing a request for funds.
2. Student clubs and organizations must plan a minimum of two (2) community service events each semester.
3. All registered student clubs and organizations must adhere to all guidelines and policies set forth by the University.
4. If any club is unable to fulfill these requirements, the CSAB will be able to take action including but not limited to freezing club accounts and revoking club funds.
Section D. Appeals
1. All clubs have the right to appeal decisions by the CSAB.
2. The CSAB shall meet within two (2) weeks following the distribution of funds to discuss any appeals to budgets.
3. The appeals process is as follows:
- Within one (1) week of receiving the budget decision, a detailed written appeal must be made to the CSAB.
- The CSAB Chair must contact the president of the appealing club and notify the president of the date, time, and location of the CSAB appeals meeting.
- Two (2) representatives from the appealing club will be allowed to attend the meeting.
- Each appealing club will be given fifteen (15) minutes to state their case to the CSAB.
- After all of the appeals have been heard, the CSAB will convene for a closed session.
- The CSAB will review and vote on each budget based on their appeal.
- Clubs will receive a detailed written description of the decision made regarding their budget within one (1) week of the CSAB meeting.
4. A student club or organization may still request a final appeal. The final appeals board will be comprised of the CSGA President, the CSGA Vice-President of Finance, two (2) CSAB members and the Chair, or designee, from the CSPB. No club or organization may have a representative serving on the appeals board. The process must follow the same established protocols as the normal appeals. All decisions are final.
1.6.5 Chaminade Student Programming Board CSPB Constitution
Section A. The Chaminade Student Programming Board has been formed to develop a sense of tradition, variety, and diversity of programs in a coordinated manner. Through the office of the Director of Student Activities, the Student Programming Board shall assist in the publishing of a planning calendar with Student Affairs, Campus Ministry, and other student clubs and organizations to enrich the co-curricular life at Chaminade University.
Section A. The name of the governing body shall be the Chaminade Student Programming Board (CSPB).
Section A. The purpose of the CSPB is to plan, implement, and coordinate all organizational program offerings in conjunction with the Director of Student Activities and to avoid overlap or needless competition. The CSPB will coordinate and promote co-sponsorship of student programmatic activities by more than one club or organization.
Section A. The CSPB shall have the power to adopt Bylaws for its operations, which shall include officers, meetings and committees as necessary so long as they are not in conflict with this Constitution or other University policy and procedure, as detailed in any part of the University Policy Manual.
Section A. The CSPB may amend its Constitution or Bylaws by following the Amendment process outlined in Article VI of the CSGA Constitution. Bylaws Of The Chaminade Student Programming Board Bylaws Of The Chaminade Student Programming Board
Section A. General Membership
1. The General Student Membership (General Membership) is made up of all students paying the Student Activity Fee. These students are automatically represented by the CSPB.
Section B. Board Membership
1. The CSPB shall consist of:
a. The CSPB Chair is elected by the General Membership according to the CSGA election procedures outlined in the CSGA Bylaws and meets the qualifications in Article (IV).
b. Four (4) Elected Student Representatives.
c. The Director of Student Activities without vote.
d. The Campus Minister without vote.
e. Three (3) Appointed Representatives
Section B. Elections are held at the same time and by the same means as CSGA elections in the spring term.
1. Term length extends to one (1) academic year.
Section A. The CSPB has the responsibility to form standing and ad-hoc committees to facilitate programming for particular events. The CSPB will solicit student involvement for committee assignments, special events, community service projects, and open CSPB meetings.
Section B. CSPB Commencement Ball Committee
1. The purpose of this committee is to provide one (1) Commencement Ball every academic year.
2. Membership
- The CSPB Chair shall sit as the chair of this committee.
- Membership to this committee is open to the General Membership.
3. Meetings and Timeline
- The CSPB Chair shall produce a list of members, proposed date of the event, and budget within the first four (4) weeks of the semester.
- The CSPB Chair shall have the ability to form sub-committees, designate sub-committee chairs, and coordinate their activities.
- The event must be advertised at least eight (8) weeks prior to the scheduled Ball.
- Ticket sales shall start at least four (4) weeks prior to the scheduled Ball.
- Graduating seniors shall receive a discounted ticket. All seniors are guaranteed a ticket if purchased within one (1) week of initial ticket sales.
- All records will be submitted to the Vice-President of Finance no later than one (1) week after the Ball.
4. Finances
a. The CSPB Commencement Ball shall receive its income from the CSPB as well as Commencement Ball ticket sales.
- The CSPB Commencement Ball Committee shall be entitled to no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the CSPB budget per semester in which the Commencement Ball is being held.
- A projected budget must be submitted to the CSPB for approval prior to any expenditure being granted.
- In compliance with the financial procedures of the University, all funds are distributed by the business office. CSPB funds are to be approved by the Vice-President of Finance and disbursed through the Director of Student Activities.
Section B. CSPB Awards Sub-Committee
1. Purpose
a. The Purpose of the sub-committee shall be to award those deserving individuals of the General Student Membership, faculty, and staff with awards, plaques, and prizes.
2. Membership
- The CSPB Chair to this sub-committee shall be appointed by the CSPB Chair.
- Membership to this sub-committee is open to the General Membership.
3. Awards
- The following awards will be given at every Commencement Ball:
- Faculty Award
- Staff Award/Outstanding Student Leader Award
- Outstanding Club/Organization Award
- All awards will be announced during each Commencement Ball.
- Faculty, Staff, and Outstanding Student Leader Awards shall be given based on the following:
- Nomination by the General Membership.
- Demonstration of outstanding service to the Chaminade community.
- The Outstanding Club/Organization Award shall be given based on the following:
- The club or organization must be in good standing with the CSGA in order to be considered for the award.
- The club or organization must demonstrate outstanding dedication to the community through community service and overall contributions to the Chaminade community.
4. Finances
- The Awards Sub-Committee shall receive all its income from the CSPB Commencement Ball Committee.
- The Awards Sub-Committee must propose a budget to the Commencement Ball Committee for approval within four (4) weeks of the Commencement Ball.
- In compliance with the financial procedures of the University, all funds are distributed by the Business Office. CSPB funds are to be approved by the Vice-President of Finance and disbursed through the Director of Student Activities.
Section A. The CSPB shall meet at least every two (2) weeks from September to April on a schedule set at the beginning of the year and published to the Chaminade University community.
1. Meetings are open to all members of the University community.
2. Non-voting members can be recognized by the CSPB Chair to voice concerns on issues under consideration.
3. The CSPB Chair may call a special meeting as needed with at least three (3) days notice to the members of the University community and the Vice-President of Internal Affairs.
4. Voting is restricted to CSPB members for the purpose of programming events and disbursement of funds: the CSPB Chair votes only in the event of a tie.
5. Voting is by a simple majority.
6. The CSPB shall hold a special session in the fall with the Director of Student Activities to plan a tentative programming schedule.
Section A. CSPB Chair Selection
1. The CSPB Chair must be a regular member of the student body, as defined by the General Membership.
2. The CSPB Chair must be rated by the Registrar as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior at the time of assuming office.
3. The CSPB Chair must have completed at least two (2) semesters at Chaminade University of Honolulu.
4. The CSPB Chair must have and maintain and cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
5. The CSPB Chair must be a student in good judicial standing with the University.
6. The CSPB Chair must be able to serve for the complete term of one academic year.
Section B. Chair Responsibilities and Duties
1. The CSPB Chair shall preside over all CSPB meetings.
2. The CSPB Chair shall vote on an issue only in the event of a tie vote.
3. The CSPB Chair shall chair the CSPB Commencement Ball Committee.
4. The CSPB Chair shall be responsible for the appointment of a Recorder selected from the CSPB voting members.
5. The CSPB Chair shall have the ability to form sub-committees, designate sub-committee chairs, and coordinate their activities.
6. The CSPB Chair shall serve as a member of and attend all CSGA Communications Committee meetings.
7. The CSPB Chair shall be responsible for the enforcement of guidelines outlined within the Student Organizational Handbook.
Section C. Selection of Elected Student Representatives
1. Selection procedures for the elected board representatives can be found in Article (I) of the CSPB Bylaws.
Section D. Representative Responsibilities and Duties
1. Representatives shall serve as a voice for the General Membership in matters pertaining to student programs and activities.
2. Representatives shall serve as members of the CSPB Commencement Ball Committee.
Section E. Recorder Selection
1. The recorder is appointment by the Vice-President of Programming. The Recorder shall be selected from the voting members of the CSPB.
Section F. Recorder Responsibilities and Duties
1. The Recorder shall record the minutes of each CSPB meeting, distribute copies to all CSPB members, and file with the Vice-President of Internal Affairs in a timely manner.
Section A. The CSPB shall receive the Student Activity Fees collected by the Chaminade University Business Office and allocated for programs and activities by the CSAB. In compliance with the financial procedures of the University, all funds are distributed by the Business Office. The CSPB funds are signed off by the Vice-President of Finance and disbursed through the Director of Student Activities. Any unused funds allocated to the CSPB will be carried over in the next academic year.
Section A. The amendment procedures outlined in the Constitution of the CPSB shall also cover bylaw amendment.
[Constitution approved and voted into effect April 30, 2007]
1.6.6 Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu Constitution of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University
Section 1. Name.
The name of this organization shall be the Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu, hereinafter called the “Association.”
Section 2. Office.
The principal office of the Association shall be located in Honolulu, Hawaii, at such place as shall be designated by the Board of Directors. The Association may also have offices at such other places as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Purpose.
- Reflect and promote the ideals of Chaminade University of Honolulu.
- Encourage its members to continue their association with the University by:
(1) providing meaningful support and contributions for its planned growth, program development, and educational standards;
(2) promoting, participating and contributing toward programs provide aid and support for the students and continue to build upon the existing rapport with those students;
(3) cooperating with the administration, faculty, and Regents in any endeavors or programs that are beneficial to the University, its administration, faculty, and students.
- Further the moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social development of its members.
- Promote and participate in community activities dedicated to the interest of this Association and the University, and assist in creating the environment that will attract the people of the community to the University.
Section 4. Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
Section 1. Term and Classes.
Persons possessing the necessary qualifications may, upon approval of the Association, be admitted to membership in the Association in one of the following classes:
- Active. A person who has completed at least two (2) semesters at Chaminade University as a full-time student, who is no longer in attendance, has submitted the appropriate application for membership, and is current on required dues and fees. See paragraph “G” for exception.
- Inactive. A person who does not meet the requirements for Active or another class of membership but was a former student at Chaminade University, or a former Active member who is not current on dues or fees, may be accepted or continued on the membership rolls as an Inactive Member.
- Associate. A person who does not meet the requirements for Active or Inactive membership but provides a close relationship with the University and this Association, such as but not limited to, University personnel, faculty, the immediate family of an Association member, and such others as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Associate may be assessed dues and fees.Chapter. A person who otherwise meets the requirements for Active membership with this Association, may be designated a Chapter Member if that person is a member in good standing of an Association chartered chapter so designated and approved by the Board of Directors.Student. A person who is a current full-time student at Chaminade University of Honolulu is eligible for membership in this class, and may be so designated a member upon approval of appropriate application to the Board of Directors. The Student member shall pay no dues.Honorary. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Board, Honorary Membership may be conferred upon a person who has made outstanding contributions toward the growth and development of the University and/or this Association. The Honorary Member shall pay no dues or fees.
- Charter. A person who completed at least two (2) semesters as a full-time student at Chaminade University as of June 1961, and who paid the required Association initiation fee by April 1962 and has been so designated by the Board of Directors. The Charter Member shall be assessed the required dues and fees but failure to maintain current status with the Association shall not serve to remove the Charter Member designation from the person.
Section 2. Dues and Fees.
Membership dues and fees shall be so designated by the Board of Directors. There shall be an initiation fee of five dollars ($5.00) assessed each new member, except Honorary and Chapter members. Nonpayment of dues or fees could result in forfeiture of membership, except as indicated.
Section 3. Rights and Privileges.
Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership in this Association, except as may be reserved by the Constitution and/or Bylaws.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association who shall be elected by the Board of Directors from their own membership. Each Officer shall be a Director.
Section 2. The Officers shall include the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, all elected for a term of two (2) years.
Section 3. The staff member designated liaison/coordinator of alumni affairs between the University and the Association shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board, subject to the rights and privileges appertaining thereto, except to hold office.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall have the authority to conduct and shall conduct all business of the Association, except as specifically restricted by the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall meet at least once each month at a time and place designated by the President. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Board so requesting.
Section 6. Should the term of office of an officer or of a Director expire, that person shall surrender the position. An officer may be re-elected, but for not more than three (3) terms.
Section 7. If the President’s position is vacant or if the President is temporarily unable to perform the President’s duties, the First Vice President shall assume the President’s duties and responsibilities. If the First Vice President is unable to perform the duties, the Second Vice President shall assume the President’s duties and responsibilities. A vacancy in an officer’s position shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term of the position.
Section 8. The qualifications and duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 1. There shall be fifteen (15) Directors, five (5) of whom shall be elected at-large each year from the City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, for a term of three (3) years.
Section 2. The President shall serve as Chair of the Board of Directors; the Secretary and Treasurer of the Executive Board shall hold similar responsibilities and titles on the Board of Directors; either the First or Second Vice President or another Director elected by the Board of Directors, shall serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. The term for these managers of the Board of Directors shall be two (2) years, and the term will commence and conclude at the same time as those elected positions on the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall elect the officers, shall conduct business and shall possess the authority to perform those functions and responsibilities as provided in the Association Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 4. The staff member designated liaison/coordinator of alumni affairs between the University and the Association shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors, subject to the rights and privileges appertaining thereto, except to hold a Directorship.
Section 1. The removal of an officer and/or Director may be accomplished by substantiation of the charge brought by either the Executive Board, Board of Directors, or as a petition from the membership.
Section 2. A petition for the removal of an officer and/or Director shall be signed by at least thirty (30) Active and/or Charter members, and shall be submitted to the Executive Board.
Section 3. Any charge submitted either as a membership petition, Executive or Board of Directors initiated action, shall include all grievances against the officer and/or Director, and shall be decided within ninety (90) days after receipt. In the case of a Board of Directors initiated action, the decision shall be a recommendation submitted to the Executive Board which shall act on the recommendation within thirty (30) days after the receipt.
Section 4. Removal of the officer and/or Director shall require a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, excluding the officer and/or Director accused.
Section 5. A vacancy in the position of Director shall be filled by appointment of the President for the unexpired term of the position, subject to ratification by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The President shall appoint the Chair of the Nominating Committee, subject to ratification by the Board of Directors. The Chair of this committee shall not be a member of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least the Chairman and two other Active and/or Charter members who shall be appointed at least ninety (90) days prior to a General Assembly meeting.
Section 3. Nominations shall be made by the Nominating Committee. Any Active and/or Charter member may petition to be included on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) Active and/or Charter members, and submitted to the Nominating Committee or the Executive Board no later than forty-five (45) days prior to a General Assembly meeting.
Section 4. The Nominating Committee shall have authority to determine credentials of nominees and members, and shall conduct the election and report the results to the Executive Board. Any appeal against the decision of the Nominating Committee shall be resolved by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Officers and Directors shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast.
Section 6. The term of office for Officers and/or Directors shall begin on July 1. The Board of Directors shall elect the Officers prior to the General Assembly meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall meet periodically as may be determined by the Board of Directors or at the direction of the President.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every three (3) months, as may be determined by the Board of Directors or at the direction of the Chair of the Board.
Section 3. The General Assembly shall consist of persons in good standing, in those classes of membership, as provided in Article II.
Section 4. The General Assembly shall meet at least once each fiscal year at a time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors with concurrence of the Executive Board.
Section 5. The quorum for the various meetings shall be as indicated:
- Executive Board Majority
- Board of Directors Majority
- General Assembly Twenty-five (25) members
- Special Meeting As indicated above or as superceded by provisions in the appropriate Article.
Section 6. A Special Meeting of the General Assembly may be called by the Board of Directors with concurrence of the Executive Board, or upon petition signed by a minimum of twenty-five (25) Active and/or Charter members, submitted to the President and including an agenda for the petitioned Special Meeting.
Section 1. The Association may provide for the inclusion of Chapters of the Association, in the several counties in the State of Hawaii, and in States of the United States, and in foreign countries, as may petition for recognition as a Chapter of this Association.
Section 2. Each Chapter of the Association shall subscribe to the purposes of the Association and shall abide by this constitution and Bylaws for governance of its organization. The petitioning organization may submit for consideration provisions that may be peculiar to that country, state, county or organization, for evaluation by the Board of Directors of this Association.
Section 3. The granting of Chapter status shall not serve to attach any liability, whether civil, fiduciary, or otherwise.
Section 4. The Chapter shall furnish the Association an updated listing of membership annually during the month of July.
Section 5. Membership dues and fees of Chapter members as may be determined by their Chapter, shall be payable to their Chapter. Each Chapter shall be assessed a fee by the Association as shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Association.
Section 1. The dissolution of this Association shall require the approval of the General Assembly at a meeting where the petition shall so state the purpose.
Section 2. Upon approval for dissolution, all assets after payment of just debts shall be transferred or distributed to the Chaminade University of Honolulu.
Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution or this Association shall be proposed by a special committee or by petition signed by at least thirty-five (35) members in good standing.
Section 2. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Directors at least seventy-five (75) days prior to a General Assembly meeting.
Section 3. Upon acceptance by the Board of Directors, the proposed amendment and a ballot shall be mailed to each member in good standing at least forty-five (45) days prior to the General Assembly meeting.
Section 4. The amendment shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of votes cast. Bylaws of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu
Section 1. Annual dues shall be ten dollars ($10) each year, due on May 1 of each year for the next fiscal year, and delinquent August 1, provided notice was sent by June 1 to so inform the membership. Each Active, Associate and Charter member shall be assessed the annual dues.
Section 2. Any member who is delinquent with annual dues and/or fees shall be so notified and placed on Inactive membership status. To reactivate membership, the delinquent member may be required to remit all delinquent dues and/or fees, subject to decision of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The initiation fee shall be five dollars ($5) and payable at the time if initial application for all classes of membership, except Honorary.
Section 4. The Board of Directors, with concurrence of the Executive Board, may designate a fee for whatever it deems appropriate for the good of the Association and its membership.
Section 5. All dues and/or fees payable shall be as designated herein or as may be designated by the Board of Directors, except the new applicant for whom the dues may be pro-rated but in no case less than one-third the designated annual dues.
Section 6. Each Chapter shall be assessed a fee based on the number of members. The fee shall be set by the Board of Directors, with concurrence of the Executive Board.
Section 7. The setting of dues and/or fees shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors, subject to concurrence of the Executive Board, except as specified herein.
Section 1. Qualifications.
- Only Active members in good standing shall be eligible to hold elected office.
- An officer and/or Director of this Association shall be a resident of the City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii.
- A member shall not hold more than one position on the Executive Board, except as may be designated in the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.
Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers.
- The President shall:
- Be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall preside at all general and special meetings, shall be Chair of the Executive Board and Board of Directors, and shall represent this Association at functions, activities, and events as may be necessary.
- Appoint chairs to the standing and special committees, except as may be designated by the Constitution and Bylaws.Fill vacancies when required or permitted by the Constitution and Bylaws.Determine the agenda for any General Assembly, regular and/or special meetings of the Boards or the membership, except those called by petition or two-thirds of the body so requesting.
- Be an ex-officio member of any committee of this Association, except the Nominating Committee.
- The First Vice President shall:
- Be designated the first assistant to the President on the Executive Board, and shall assume the position of President when necessary, as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Be Chair of the Membership Committee, and shall perform any other duties as may be designated by the President and/or the Executive Board.
- The Second Vice President shall:
- Be designated second assistant to the President on the Executive Board and shall assume the office of President if it is vacant and the First Vice President is unable to serve.
- Be Chair of the Finance Committee, and shall perform any other duties as may be designated by the President and/or the Executive Board.
- The Secretary shall:
- Record, transcribe, and file the minutes of all General and Special meetings of this Association, as well as minutes of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors, and be responsible for the security of those files.
- Inform the appropriate members of the time, place, and agenda of each meeting.Be responsible for all correspondence, historical data and business files of this Association.Maintain a complete roster and mailing list of all classes of membership of this Association.
- Perform other duties as may be designated by the Executive Board, and/or the President.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Conduct all financial business and transactions for this Association that shall have been approved by the Executive Board and/or the Board of Directors.
- Keep a record of all receipts, disbursements, and investments of the Association, and shall submit a financial status report at each meeting of the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and the General Assembly.Be a member of the Finance Committee, and shall perform any other duties as may be designated by the President and/or the Executive Board or the Board of Directors.
- Submit to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days after the end of the fiscal year, a report audited by the Finance Committee or by an independent auditor selected by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of Directors.
- The President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Executive Board shall hold their same position on the Board of Directors, except that the President shall be called Chair of the Board. Their duties and responsibilities shall be as designated for the Executive Board, except as may be otherwise amended due to the nature of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors.
- The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and shall assume the Chair position if there is a vacancy or if the Chair is unable to serve, and shall perform other duties as may be designated by the Chair and/or the Board of Directors.
- The Directors shall elect the President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer for the Executive Board within thirty (30) days after their election in each even numbered year. They shall also elect a Vice Chair from among their members.Except for the Membership, Finance, and Nominating Committees, a Director may serve as Chair of any other standing or special committee but shall not be Chair of more than two standing committees at the same time.Directors shall perform all other duties and responsibilities as may be designated by the Chair of the Board and/or the Board of Directors.
- The term of office for the Chair of the Board, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be two (2) years. These Directors may succeed themselves but for not more than three (3) terms. The term of “Director” as indicated here and in Article III, Section 6 of the Constitution shall not be confused with the title of Director on the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Standing Committees.
- The following shall be designated Standing Committees, and shall perform in accordance with the designated responsibilities, or as may be required by the President:
- Membership
- Shall serve as overall coordinator of any activities that involve the membership, such as, but not limited to, meetings, programs, public relations and publicity. It shall also maintain a record of the Association membership, determine eligibility, assure standards, be responsible for recruiting, and other duties as may be designated by the President and/or the Executive Board.
- There shall be two standing subcommittees: Program and Publicity.
- Membership
The Program Subcommittee shall be responsible to plan, coordinate, and implement educational, social, spiritual, and sports activities.
The Publicity Subcommittee shall be responsible to plan, coordinate, and implement publicity and public relations activities for the Association, including assisting the University staff with news collection and dissemination.
Finance Committee.
Shall be responsible for the coordination, planning, budgeting, and the auditing of the income and expenses of the Association, and have general overall responsibility for the financial condition of the Association, subject to concurrence of the Treasurer and approval of the Executive Board.
- The Chair of each standing subcommittee shall be appointed by the President from among the Directors, confirmed by the Board of Directors, within thirty (30) days after commencement of the President’s term of office.
- Each standing committee and subcommittee shall have at least three (3) members, appointed by the chair of the respective committee, with each member serving a term of two (2) years, concurrent with the term of the officers. A vacancy in the term of a member may be filled by the chair of the committee for the unexpired term of the member replaced.
- The chair of each committee shall submit a report of the activities during the chair’s term, to the President, with a copy to the Board of Directors. The report shall include income and expenses during the term.
- The Nominating Committee shall be considered a standing committee. The Chair shall be appointed by the President, confirmed by the Board of Directors, may not be a member of the Executive Board, and the Committee shall comprised of at least three (3) members (except officers on the Executive Board) who shall be appointed by the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed at least ninety (90) days prior to the General Assembly.
Section 2. Special Committees.
- The President shall have the authority and may appoint special committees to perform special and specific activities, as the President may deem necessary or as may be designated by the Executive Board.
- The Chair of the Board of Directors shall have the authority and may appoint special committees to perform special and specific activities, as the Chair may deem necessary or as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
- The chair of a special committee, if not a member of the Board of Directors, shall be designated as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
- The term of appointment of the special committee shall not exceed the term of office of the President. At the conclusion of that term, the chair shall submit a report of activities to the President, with a copy to the Board of Directors.
The governance of any meeting of this Association shall be as indicated in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised or as provided for in the Constitution and these Bylaws.
Section 1. An amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed on petition signed by at least twenty (20) members of this Association or by a special constitution committee appointed by the President.
Section 2. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary of this Association at least seventy-five (75) days prior to a General Assembly.
Section 3. A copy of the proposed amendment may be mailed to each member at least forty-five (45) days prior to the General Assembly or at the discretion of the Board of Directors, may be distributed at the General Assembly, provided notice of such decision is included on the agenda and such agenda is mailed to each member at least forty-five (45) days prior to the General Assembly.
Section 4. Any amendment to the Bylaws shall be ratified by a majority of votes cast.1F[1]
Policies of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu
- Regular Board meetings
- Shall be held on the first Monday of each month. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. and adjourned at 9:00 p.m. unless extended by a majority of those Board members present at that meeting.
- The agenda shall be prepared by the President, or whomever is designated, and mailed with the minutes of the prior meeting by the Alumni Office to each Board member at least one week prior to the meeting date. Each Board member is expected to attend each regular and special meeting of the Board. Should an emergency arise which pre-empts the Board member’s attendance, the Board member shall notify the Alumni Office no later than 12:00 noon of the day of the meeting.
- Three consecutive unexcused absences from regular Board meetings shall be viewed as an abandonment of the member’s elective position. The member will be notified in writing of the Board’s recommendation that the member resign.
- Special meetings
- May be called by the President or the President’s designee, provided at least one week prior notice is given. The agenda shall be prepared by the President.Any Board member, with at least two other members in accord, may call a special meeting of the Board. The member requesting a special meeting shall prepare the agenda and include the names of those calling the special meeting.
- Meeting place
- Regular Board meetings shall be held in the conference room in Keiffer Hall or other designated location. The location of each meeting shall be included in the meeting notices
- Another location may be proposed for future meetings provided a majority of the Board present agrees and amply notice is given to absent members.
- Any appointment by the President may be subject to discussion. A majority vote of the Board present is required for confirmation.
- Appointed chairs shall notify the Board at its next meeting of those members that chair has selected for appointment to that chair’s committee. Three or more members constitute a full committee.
- A proposal of the committee as a whole (of those present) shall constitute a motion of the committee before the Board.
- Each committee chair shall submit a written report of the committee’s accomplishments to the Board no later than June 15th of each year. Uncompleted programs and/or recommendations for new programs should be included.
- A special committee chair shall submit a written report to the Board at the completion of a project. Committee report forms are available in the Alumni Office.
Any Board member who proposes to have a guest make a presentation to the Board, shall so propose at the meeting prior, subject to the approval of the Board.
The Alumni Relations office is available to assist in organizing and/or publicizing officially sponsored alumni activities. All activities representing the alumni and the Association are to be coordinated through the Alumni Relations office to avoid conflicts and thereby strengthening the Association and its goals and objectives.
No address or telephone list of alumni shall be given to individuals, groups, businesses or organizations. This information is part of official school records and must be protected for confidentiality.
Use of Chaminade resources, grounds, and buildings, by an alumni group is permitted only if such activity is officially sponsored and approved by the Chaminade Alumni Association.
These Board policies shall constitute the Order of the Day for meetings of the Board of Directors, and may not be amended except by 2/3 vote of those Board members present at the meeting where the question arises.
Approved by:
Board of Directors
Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu
on the 12th day of November 1985
/s/ William Hughes
[1]Submitted by Special Constitution and Bylaws Committee, November, 1985: William Hughes, Chairman; James Nylon, Vice Chairman. This amended Constitution and Bylaws of the Alumni Association of Chaminade University of Honolulu was submitted for referendum and approved in June, 1986.