Graduates who need a cap, gown and tassel must purchase it at their own cost.
Graduates can now order their regalia online. The deadline to order regalia online is Monday, March 10, 2025. This year graduates will have the option of picking their regalia up on campus (at the Campus Bookstore) OR graduates can opt to have their regalia shipped to the location of their choice (shipping fees do apply).
For graduates who opt to pick up their regalia on campus, you will be notified when your regalia is available for pick up at the campus bookstore (generally late-March to early-April).
Graduates can order their regalia online HERE.
Commencement Day Attire
Proper attire is required of all students participating in the ceremony. Please review and follow the guidelines below.
Attire under your gown:
- Ladies: Dress or dress slacks with a top and comfortable sandals, or low heels, for safety reasons.
- Men: Dark dress slacks, white collared shirt (tie is optional), and dress shoes.
- Wear gown appropriate to the degree being received.
- Gown length should extend to the mid-calf of the wearer.
- All alteration of gowns is prohibited (e.g. shortening the length).
- No additional decorations may be added to your gown.
Helpful Videos:
- Herff Jones Video: How to Wear Your Cap and Gown – Bachelor’s
- Herff Jones Video: How to Wear Your Cap and Gown – Master’s
- Herff Jones Video: How to Wear Your Cap and Gown – Doctorate
Chaminade University of Honolulu recognizes the importance of accessories to regalia, such as cords, stoles, sashes, and medallions in marking academic achievement overall and in honor societies. Chaminade also understands that there are many university co-curricular college programs where student participation also contributes to their overall growth and should be honored.
The stoles, cords, sashes, and medallions that may be worn at Chaminade commencement ceremonies represent registered student organizations, University recognized honor societies, and other University-affiliated programs, including (but not limited to) academic schools, athletics, Hogan Entrepreneur Program, and campus ministry.
Cords/sashes/stoles/medallions related to a student’s academic and co-curricular journey are allowed within the parameters outlined above, but must not:
- Distract from the academic nature of the ceremony.
- Include balloons or items that may infringe upon the view of other students.
- Contain any offensive language or the perception that offensive language is being used.
- Contain any electronic or flashing lights.
- Political figures or language promoting a personal opinion on political issues.
Please note the following important additional information:
- Honors cords and outstanding student award recipients medals will be distributed at commencement check-in.
- Master hoods are included in your order.
- Doctorate hoods will be presented during the commencement ceremony.
- Lei may not be worn during the ceremony.
- Graduates must wear the approved Chaminade University mortarboard or tam. No other hat or head adornment may be worn (e.g. baseball cap).
- If wearing a gown in the processional, a cap must also be worn.
- Caps must be worn during the ceremony of conferring degrees.
- Caps should be worn level on the head.
- Men may remove hats at specific times as designated by the institution (e.g. prayer, national anthem, alma matter, commencement address)
- Personal décor on Chaminade University approved caps (mortarboards) is allowed within the following parameters:
- Cap decorations must not include balloons or items that may infringe upon the view of other students.
- Cap must not contain any offensive language or the perception that offensive language is being used.
- Cap must not contain any electronic lights or flashing lights.
- Décor must not hang over any part of the board.
- Décor must not dangle down from the top of the mortarboard and/or obstruct the person’s head, face, view of the person, or view of others in any way.
- Cap décor must not contain any political figures or political language promoting a personal opinion on political issues.
- If you are found in violation of these guidelines, you will be asked to replace your mortarboard with a standard-issue mortarboard which we will have readily on hand.
- Tassels must be secured to your cap prior to the procession.
You will not be allowed into the procession with inappropriate attire.
- For grades, records, and petitions, contact the Records Office at (808) 735-4815 or [email protected].
- For the ceremonies or other questions, contact (808) 735-4718 or [email protected].