Clifford Bieberly, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Communications
School of Humanities, Arts and Design
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 735-4727
Communication Seminar, Intro to Mass Comm, Integrated Marketing Communication Campaigns, Media Literacy for a Better World, Photography for Social Change, Intro to Graphic Design, and Public Relations
Dr. Bieberly has been a professional photographer, U.S. Army Officer, a newspaper editor, Marketing Department manager for Cessna Aircraft Company, Advertising Agency Creative Director and an Ad Agency owner. He has also been a comedy writer and a speech writer before joining academia as a Communication professor.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Kansas State University
M.A., Wichita State University
B.A., Wichita State University
Awards and Honors
Educator of the Year Award, American Advertising Federation , Presented by AAF 9th District Conference, Outstanding Advisor Award, Wichita State University. Academy for Effective Teaching Award. Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award. “Best Use of Humor in Radio” Special Judges’ Award, AAF. Five ADDY awards for individual commercials and campaign. Five National Finalist Honors for Chaminade Student Ad Campaigns, American Advertising Federation.
Professional Affiliations
- The American Advertising Federation
- The Aviation Space Writers Association
- Society of Professional Journalists
Service to the Profession
- Theatrical Scenic and Property Design and Construction, Chaminade University (2008 to 2019)
- Member, the European Academy of Advertising (2013)
- Member, Hawaii-Brazil Business connection (2012)
- Member, Rio de Janeiro/Honolulu Sister Cities Committee (2012)
- Advisory Board Member, Pantawan Learning Resource Center, Bais, Negros, Philippines (2012 to Present)
- Member, the Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) (2002 to Present)
- National Education Executive Committee Member for the American Advertising Federation Foundation, 1999-Present
Selected Publications
- Bieberly, C. J. (2013) Television Advertisements as a Window on Culuture for Teaching English as a Second Language, INTE 2013 presentation in Rome, Italy, and published in the Procedia Journal of Social and Behavioral Science
- Bieberly, C. J. and Washburn-Repollo, E.R. (2012) ESL/TSL Bridging Chuuk’s Cultural Distance with Commercial Speech, (HUIC) Hawaii University International Conference. Peer reviewed article published in conference proceedings.
- Bieberly, C. J. and Kent, J. (2012) Picturing a Better World: Photography for Social Change, Marquette (University) Vatican Power to Change the World Conference. Peer reviewed article presented at the conference and set to be published in conference proceedings.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1974) How to do MORE: A Manual of Basic Teaching Strategy, Project MORE (Mediated Operational Research for Education). Basic teaching manual for this University of Kansas Bureau of Child Research project. Included basic teaching strategies, behavior modification and data collection chapters.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1988) Kansas State Orientation “Employee Benefits.” Employment Services Division video script to explain all rights and benefits available to new employees of the state of Kansas. Bieberly, Clifford J. (1989) Kansas State University “Essential Edge” video. Initial promotional piece used to begin the university’s successful $100 million capital fund-raising campaign.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1989) “Murder on the Lake” mystery script. Written for Green Bay, Wisconsin, Adventurer’s Club. This theatrical script, done entirely in verse, was performed onboard a cruise ship.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1991) American Indian Health Care Association AIDS Education script. Performed live at Indian reservations throughout the U.S. and Canada.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1992) “Guide to Outdoor Sculpture” script. Written for the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University. Recorded and provided for educational use by University guests.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1998) “Falling Through the Cracks” truancy awareness public service campaign created for Kansas Truancy Task Force.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1998) “Crossing the Line – Spouse Abuse” video script. Information and awareness program written for the Kansas Medical Society Alliance. Presented at the groups annual meeting and later to law enforcement agency and trauma units throughout the state.
- Bieberly, Clifford J. (1999) LSI Logic “Data Warehousing” script. Written for and performed live at the NCR Partners Conference, Orlando, FL.