Post-Award Management: What to Consider
- Total Budget: Ensure the total budget on internal reconciliation matches the total in Key Solutions and the award documentation.
- Monthly Expenditures: Match reconciled monthly expenditures with Key Solutions and maintain backup documentation (PI/PD communication, expense approvals, Purchase Orders, contracts).
- Payroll Projection Review: Identify discrepancies between actual and committed effort. Communicate with the PI/ PD and, if needed, the Grants Specialist for adjustments.
- Non-Personnel Review: Verify all non-personnel charges. Highlight any potentially unallowable expenses for PI review and reallocate if necessary.
- Cost Share: Ensure appropriate cost share for salary cap and commitments. Report status to PI and discuss corrections as needed. Maintain cost-share records.
- Total Expenditures: Confirm total expenditures match Key Solutions reports. Investigate and correct any discrepancies.
- Budget Modification: Collaborate with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to update the budget as needed, especially for changes affecting indirect costs.
- Projection Review: Compare the internal budget plan with actual and projected expenses. Inform the PI of areas needing attention, such as significant balance variances, payroll discrepancies, and unexpected expenses.
Project Modification
Subaward or subcontract modifications may be needed during the project, such as extending duration, adjusting funding, or revising the scope of work. Requests must include relevant documentation from the subcontractor. The Principal Investigator or Project Director (PI/PD) should initiate these requests, with support from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). This Project Modification Request Form can be found here.
A request for project modification may be necessary for the following: