Director, Data Science
Assistant Professor, Data Science
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Chong is a postdoctoral data scientist in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics working with Dean Helen Turner. He is currently on several projects at Chaminade University of Honolulu: (1) developing the data science program, curriculum, and assessments; (2) investigating preterm birth risk factors of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders using data science techniques and strategies; (3) investigating cybersecurity and human factor challenges and opportunities; and (4) investigating the career development of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students in STEM. Dr. Chong is serving on several committees, which include CyberHawaii Education and Workforce Development, Data Science Computing4Change, and the University of Hawaii’s Center for Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities (PIKO).
Dr. Chong earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Hogan Entrepreneur Certificate from Chaminade University of Honolulu. Dr. Chong holds a Graduate Certificate in Information Security Policy, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Security from Purdue University of West Lafayette. His dissertation work investigated the relationships of social cognitive career theory factors and cybersecurity research self-efficacy of former and current college students. He was an Alfred Sloan Foundation indigenous graduate scholar and a fellow of the Bilsland Strategic Initiative Fellowship.