How did your education here contribute to your professional success?
My education at Chaminade University played a huge role in my professional success. I gained not only valuable knowledge but also incredible mentorship from my professors, who were super involved and genuinely cared about their students’ success. Their support and guidance equipped me with the skills and confidence to navigate job interviews after graduation and step into my current role. I’m very appreciative of the encouragement and help I received, which truly set me up for success in my career.
Can you recall a specific moment or experience during your time that had a significant impact on you?
One of the most impactful experiences from my college years was being part of the Chaminade University softball team. Growing up, it was my dream to play softball at a four-year university, and achieving that goal was incredibly fulfilling. Traveling around the islands to compete, including trips to the Big Island, was an unforgettable experience. Being teammates with local players gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation for Hawaiian culture, truly immersing me in its beauty and values. This experience shaped me both personally and culturally, making it one of the most memorable parts of my college journey.
How did your education here shape your perspective and personal growth?
My education profoundly shaped my perspective and personal growth. The university’s emphasis on values like social responsibility and community engagement pushed me to think beyond myself and consider the impact I can have on others. Being surrounded by Hawaii’s unique cultural diversity and learning alongside people from various backgrounds opened my eyes to different worldviews and taught me the importance of empathy and respect for all cultures. These experiences enriched my understanding of community, resilience, and compassion, all of which continue to influence my personal and professional life.
How have you continued to invest in your professional development since graduating?
Yes, as the Social Media Coordinator for the LAFD Foundation, I am constantly learning how to be a better young professional in the digital media space. This role has challenged me to stay up to date with the latest trends, analytics tools, and content strategies to effectively engage our audience. Each experience helps me refine my skills, broaden my perspective, and grow into a more knowledgeable and adaptable professional.
How has your education influenced your personal goals and achievements?
I feel incredibly privileged to have received an education, supported by my parents and a softball scholarship. Their belief in me and the opportunities I’ve been given have inspired me to aim for success, not just for myself, but to positively impact the lives of others. My education has motivated me to work hard, take advantage of every open door, and pursue my dreams with a strong belief in myself and faith in God. It’s shown me that with dedication and gratitude, I can achieve anything, and I hope to be an example for others to pursue their goals with the same drive and purpose.