There are three main application forms. Use the guide below to decide which is relevant to your study. If you have questions review the more detailed summary in Guidance Documents, or email the IRB chair at [email protected]. Each application must also include form VI, which is a conflict of interest declaration. Further supporting documents will be needed for your application, please refer to the checklist on the application form.
Application forms can be found here.
Form I: Determination
Purpose: Used to assess whether the proposed work constitutes Human Subject research or not. If not, then your work is not requiring IRB review.
Process: Sent by email to 2 or more reviewers or the IRB Chair for evaluation.
Requires an IRB Meeting: NO
Form II: Exemption
Purpose: Used to assess Human Subjects Research that fall under one of the Federally-designated Exemption Categories (see Exemption Guidance Document).
Process: Sent by email to 2 or more reviewers or the IRB Chair for evaluation.
Requires an IRB Meeting: NO
Form III: Application for Full Review
Purpose: Review of non-exempt research, review of any application that includes a vulnerable population (e.g. minors, prisoners).
Process: Sent by email to three reviewers, discussed at IRB meeting,
Requires an IRB Meeting: YES