George S. Vozikis, Ph.D.

Professor in Residence, Management
School of Business and Communication
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 946-3366
George S. Vozikis is Professor in Residence at Chaminade University of Honolulu and retired from California State University, Fresno as the Edward Reighard Chair in Management and Director of the Institute for Family Business. Prior to this, he was the Davis D. Bovaird Endowed Chairholder of Entrepreneurial Studies and Private Enterprise, and the Founding Director of the Family-Owned Business Institute, as well as the Tulsa University Innovation Institute at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma. George S. Vozikis has also taught at the Citadel Military College where he was the Alvah H. Chapman Endowed Chair in Business Administration, and the Founding Director of the Citadel’s Center for International and Regional Development, the University of Memphis, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the University of Miami, the University of Oklahoma, and the University of North Texas.
In addition to numerous journal publications, conference papers, and books, Dr. Vozikis has conducted executive development seminars and served as a consultant for many organizations, such as Aramco, LG (formerly Goldstar), McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, GTE, the Medical University of South Carolina, the U.S. Army Missile Command, the Williams Companies, and many family firms. He has also served in the past as Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management (1988), Chair of the Council of Distinguished Entrepreneurship Chairs for the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management (2003-2007), Chair of Council of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management AACSB Committee (2004-2008), and Chair of the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Entrepreneurship Fellows (2011-2013), and as Management and Entrepreneurship Track Chair for the Southern Management Association (1984 and 1985), the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) International Conference (1999), the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference (2008), the USASBE Preconference (2010), and the Western Decision Sciences Institute (2012). His latest book entitled Entrepreneurship: Venture Initiation, Management, and Development was published in 2014 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Publishers.
He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Georgia under the direction of the then President of the Academy of Management, the late William F. Glueck, and his MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. Business Administration, University of Georgia
MBA, Virginia Commonwealth University