A native of Guam, Ms. Kailene Tenorio entered Chaminade as a freshman in the fall of 2008. She soon distinguished herself from among her peers by taking a rigorous load of freshman courses including both chemistry and biology. Kailene participated in the Association of American Medical College’s Summer Medical and Dental Education Program her freshman summer and returned motivated to work hard to pursue her dream of being a doctor. Her Chamorro ancestry coupled with her continual academic performance made her an exceptional candidate for the Boston University Early Medical School Selection Program (EMSSP). Upon acceptance into the prestigious program, Ms. Tenorio spent the summers after sophomore and junior year, and all of senior year at Boston University taking classes for both BS and MD credit. Ms. Tenorio successfully completed the EMSSP program and received her BS in Biology from Chaminade University in Spring 2012, and was accepted to Boston University School of Medicine (BUSOM). She spent 2012-2013 teaching in Guam and began medical school at Boston University in August 2013.
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